这是“Active contours driven by local and global intensity fitting energy with application to brain MR image segmentation”(简称LGIF模型)的MATLAB源代码。LGIF模型是非常重要局部区域活动轮廓模型, 它结合了CV模型和LBF模型各自的优点。-This is the "Active contours driven by local and global inten
原始snake matlab 源碼,簡單版- seg = localized_seg(I,init_mask,max_its,rad,alpha,method)
Inputs: I 2D image
init_mask Initialization (1 = foreground, 0 = bg)
max_its Number of iterations to run segmentation for
This code demomstrates an improved algorithm based on the local binary fitting (LBF) model
in Chunming Li et al s paper:
"Minimization of Region-Scalable Fitting Energy for Image Segmentation",
IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 17 (10), pp.
Texture-Aware Fast Global Level Set Evolution-Due to its intrinsic advantages such as the ability to automatically handle complex shapes and topological changes, the level set method has been widely used in image segmentation. Nevertheless, in additi