- EasyEnsemble and BalanceCascade are two class-imbalance learning methods. They can adaptively exploit the majority class examples, avoiding important majority class examples to be ignored by common under-sampling while maintaining the fast training s
- LIBSVM 是台湾大学林智仁 (Chih-Jen Lin) 博士等开发设计的一个操作简单、易于使用、快速有效的通用 SVM 软件包,可以解决分类问题(包括 C- SVC 、n - SVC )、回归问题(包括 e - SVR 、 n - SVR )以及分布估计( one-class-SVM )等问题,提供了线性、多项式、径向基和 S 形函数四种常用的核函数供选择,可以有效地解决多类问题、交叉验证选择参数、对不平衡样本加权、多类问题的概率估计等。,LIBSVM is林智仁Taiwan Univ
- 本程序利用自适应LMS算法实现FIR最佳维纳滤波器。可用于观察影响自适应LMS算法收敛性,收敛速度以及失调量的各种因素-This procedure using adaptive LMS algorithm is optimal FIR Wiener filter. Can be used to observe the impact of adaptive LMS algorithm convergence, convergence speed and the amount of imbalan
- This an article with an algoritmn about two types of radio-frequency front-end imperfections, that is, carrier frequency offset and the inphase/quadrature (I/Q) imbalance are considered for orthogonal frequency divisionmultiplexing (OFDM) communica
- Project related to digital signal process and I/q imbalance related codings with BPSK modulation techniques
- 详细讲述了直接序列扩频差分锁相环的文章,包含具体的算法结构,并附有仿真结果。-A novel differentially coherent delay-locked loop(DCDLL) for accurate code tracking is proposed for direct sequence spread spectrum systems. Due to the use of the differential decoder and exactly one correlato
- 一幅彩色图像数字化后,在显示时颜色经常看起来有些不正常。这是色通道的不同敏感度,增光因子和偏移量造成的,称为三基色不平衡。这个校正过程称为彩色平衡。-After a digital color image in the display color always looks somewhat normal. This is a different color channel sensitivity factor and credit to offset caused by the imbalanc
- EasyEnsemble和BalanceCascade是两类不平衡数据集的学习方法-EasyEnsemble and BalanceCascade are two class-imbalance learning methods. They can adaptively exploit the majority class examples, avoiding important majority class examples to be ignored by common under-samp
- gram schmidt algorithm to compensate i and q channel imbalance in noisy channel
- 针对交交变频器 除产生5、7、11、13次谐波外,还产生旁频,谐波内容多的主要特点,进行了 滤波器装置方案选择,确定滤波器形式,并对滤波器参数进行了工程设计计算。 TCR+FC型Svc通过采用单独的相一相控制能调节三相电源的容抗和感抗来 补偿轧机系统的不平衡,从而降低35KV供电电网的损耗。-In addition to produce5,7,11,13 harmonic, also produced by frequency, harmonic content of m
- LL 型调整 RR 型调整 LR 型调整 RL 型调整 AVL树的查找和插入算法-LL type adjustment for the current node to a minimum unbalanced subtree LR, RR type adjustment for the current node to a minimum unbalanced subtree on the smallest imbalance for the current node to a subtree
- 分类非平衡数据的SMOTEboost算法-This code implements SMOTEBoost. SMOTEBoost is an algorithm to handle class imbalance problem in data with discrete class labels. It uses a combination of SMOTE and the standard boosting procedure AdaBoost to better model t
- Bootstrap重采样技术的代码,适合处理基准数据集不平衡的情况!-Bootstrap resampling technology code, suitable for handling data sets imbalance!
- scr ipt to simulate IQ imbalance using Scilab (free alternative to Matlab)
- 二叉平衡排序树,能够实现不平衡调整,代码简单,格式清晰。作为课程设计已通过老师考核,可放心使用-Balanced binary sort tree imbalance adjustment, the code is simple, clear format. As curriculum design, teacher assessment, ease of use
- 对类别不平衡的分类问题的几种算法实现,包括PNN,smote,BP-AdaBoost-Several algorithms for class imbalance classification problem ,including PNN, smote and BP-AdaBoost
- Power electronics plays an important role in controlling the grid-connected renewable energy sources. This paper presents a novel adaptive neuro-fuzzy control approach for the renewable interfacing inverter. The main objective is to achieve s
- It is SM algorithm code which exists IQ imbalance. You can modify IQ imbalance parameter, channel model and modulation.
- 电池串联实例仿真,电池不平衡实例,充电放电仿真-The simulation series battery, battery imbalance instance
- SVM算法训练的分类器,对数据进行分类。包含训练和测试数据集,解决分类不平衡问题。-SVM classifier training algorithm, data classification. Comprising training and test data sets to solve classification imbalance.