- own Java code. WEKA 是一个机器学习运算法则,它是为解决真实世界中的数据问题。它用java写成并且几乎可以在任何平台上运行。运算法则能够被直接应用到数据集上或者从你自己的java 码中调用。-own Java code. WEKA is a machine learning algorithms, it is to solve the real-world data. Using java can be written in almost any platform. Algor
NiuDun java
- 求实系数代数方程全部根的牛顿下山法,java,源程序具有自带的数据,经过验证结果无误。使用者可以直接调用方法-realistic Algebraic equations of Newton-down, java, with its own source of data, proven correct results. Users can directly call methods
- The running time of quicksort can be improved in practice by taking advantage of the fast running time of insertion sort when its input is “nearly” sorted. When quicksort is called on a subarray with fewer than k elements, let it simply return wi
- UDP packets are used to send data from one computer to another over a network or from one application to another within a single computer. The judp.m program uses Matlab s ability to call Java code to enable it to send and/or receive UDP packe
- Transmission Control Protocol (TCP/IP) communications are used to send data from one computer to another over a network or from one application to another within a single computer. The jtcp.m program uses Matlab s ability to call Java code to en
- KWIC软件架构作业三种实现,KWIC软件架构作业三种实现管道、OOP和调用返回。-KWIC software architecture, operating three kinds of achievement, KWIC software architecture to achieve operating three kinds of pipes, OOP and the call returns.
- 通过java调用matlab中的函数,包括如何做图,如何调用函数-java call matlab
- 本程序实现了java调用matlab功能,java向matlab传得参数是一个wav文件的地址-This program implements the java call matlab functions, java matlab pass to get a wav file parameter is the address of
- lzma 压缩库版本9.10 完整源代码, 包括C, C++, Java, C#等调用接口-lzma compression library version 9.10 full source code, including C, C, Java, C#, etc. Call Interface
- 利用java调用matlab实现图像处理,并利用matlab的结果进行处理-Java call matlab image processing, and use the results of matlab processing
- 压缩包中的工程包含了三种风格。adtstyle文件夹对应的是抽象数据风格,invretstyle文件夹对应的是调用返回风格,pipestyle文件夹对应的是管道过滤器风格。源代码是用MyEclipse 6.5写的。可直接将工程导入MyEclipse中即可运行,也可以运行SA文件夹里面的start.bat选择某个风格运行。 抽象数据风格的按字母排序算法用的是快速排序算法,代码位于SA\src\adtstyle\impl.AlphabetizerImpl.java,调用返回风格用的是插入排
- The Java Remote Method Invocation (Java RMI) is a Java API that performs remote method invocation,in this application we call some methods in order to write in file
- 在java环境下调用aiml的例子,使用的方法见idiom.iml文件(In the Java environment, call the AIML example, the method used to see the idiom.iml file)
- 使用JAVA语言调用matlab实现的预测算法说明(Using JAVA language call matlab to realize the prediction algorithm explanation)
- 人脸识别服务器sdk的常见功能的调用。 使用java语言的调用(face recoganize call)
- 我在用jetty+cometd做comet服务,continuation机制已经加入,但是日志中出现了这样的异常(WARN:oejs.HttpChannel:qtp607635164-14195: Commit failed java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Idle timeout expired: 30000/30000 ms at org.eclipse.jetty.io.IdleTimeout.checkIdleTimeout(IdleTi
- 递归算法是一种直接或者间接调用自身函数或者方法的算法。Java递归算法是基于Java语言实现的递归算法。递归算法的实质是把问题分解成规模缩小的同类问题的子问题,然后递归调用方法来表示问题的解。(Recursive algorithm is an algorithm that directly or indirectly calls its own function or method. Java recursive algorithm is based on the Java language
- 调用百度AI开放平台动物识别API和百度百科API进行动物识别(Call Baidu AI open platform to identify API and Baidu Encyclopedia API for animal identification.)