- 决策树关联规则比较经典的算法,通常一下大型的应用项目使用,因为其稳定,实用!-Comparison of the classical association rules decision tree algorithm, usually about the use of large-scale application projects, because of its stability, and practical!
- Jasypt (Java Simplified Encryption) is a java library which allows the developer to add basic encryption capabilities to his/her projects with minimum effort, and without the need of having deep knowledge on how cryptography works.
- Binary Search Tree: This project practices the searching algorithm: Binary Search Tree. In this work, two java projects were created, one use the unbounded queue to contain the tree traverse sequence, and another one, for simplicity, use ArrayList.
- 蝙蝠论坛系统是本站基于JSF2+Spring3+JPA2等JAVA技术构建的一个小型论坛系统,内置了无处不在的AJAX能力,简洁易用,功能涵盖版面管理、版主设置、发贴、回复、置顶、屏蔽、内部邮件等常用论坛功能,既可以作为非商业性的小型论坛应用,也可以作为学习JSF、Spring、JPA等技术的典型案例项目。-Bats forum system is based on a small forum system site JSF2+ Spring3+ JPA2 and other JAVA tech
- IKAnalyzer是一个开源的,基于java语言开发的轻量级的中文分词工具包。从2006年12月推出1.0版开始,IKAnalyzer已经推出了3个大版本。最初,它是以开源项目Luence为应用主体的,结合词典分词和文法分析算法的中文分词组件。新版本的IKAnalyzer3.0则发展为面向Java的公用分词组件,独立于Lucene项目,同时提供了对Lucene的默认优化实现。 -IKAnalyzer is an open source, lightweight java-based de