- CoLIN 人工语言模拟 汉化版 2002年8月9日 原作者 布朗 alan j. brown 15 Kinloch Road Renfrew Scotland PA4 0RJ alan@barc0de.demon.co.uk http://www.barc0de.demon.co.uk/ 汉化者 陈辉 主页: http://go2debug.yeah.net 邮件: go2debug@hotm
- 基本遗传学习分类系统 A Simple Classifier System based on Genetic Learning developed from the Pascal SCS code presented by David E.Goldberg -learning basic genetic classification system for A Simple Classifier System bas ed on Genetic Learning developed fro
zernike polynom
- This file calculates and plots the Wave Aberration specified by: jmax = highest mode in Wave Aberration Expansion Wrmsj = rms Wave Aberration coefficients of modes 0 to jmax The Zernike Polynomial definitions used are derived from: Thibos, L., Appleg
- 为减小感应电机转动惯量对机械特性的影响 ,基于最小二乘法 ,引入开关控制器 ,构建了一种新 型的最小二乘参数辨识器 -To reduce the infl uence tha t the vari ai on of the inertiato the mechani cal characteristics of induction moto r , a new identifier based on the Recursive L eat Square salgorithm is propo