- %WAVETEST Example Matlab scr ipt for WAVELET, using NINO3 SST dataset % % See \"http://paos.colorado.edu/research/wavelets/\" % Written January 1998 by C. Torrence % % Modified Oct 1999, changed Global Wavelet Spectrum (GWS) to be sideways,
- This LDPC software is intended as an introduction to LDPC codes computer based simulation. The pseudo-random irregular low density parity check matrix is based on Radford M. Neal’s programs collection, which can be found in [1]. While Neal’s collecti
- 1.产生白噪声程序 编程产生一组正态分布的白噪声信号,它的均值和方差以及长度可随意调整。将产生的白噪声信号存入数据文件。 本程序算法用C++语言编写。首先用乘同余法产生均匀分布白噪声,再用变换抽样法转换为高斯分布白噪声。算法及程序实现叙述如下。 1) 设定x初值为11,A=179,长度WNlength,均值Average,方差Serror为用户输入的变量; 2) M =235,ζi= x/M; 3) 取ζi的小数部分再赋值给ζi+1,这就是均匀分布白噪声; 4) 利用公式
- tuobo码的编码,以及tuobo码的译码算法,其中包括log-map算法和sova算法,tuobo code encoding and decoding algorithm tuobo code, including algorithms and log-map algorithm sova
- Heapsort 1.A heap is a binary tree satisfying the followingconditions: -This tree is completely balanced. -If the height of this binary tree is h, then leaves can be at level h or level h-1. -All leaves at level h are as far to the left as po
- 从键盘输入两个矩阵,输出这两个矩阵和这两个矩阵相乘的矩阵,图书管理系统的一小部分 要求能 登陆 注册 推出 登陆要有次数限制(失败三次退出程序等),注册信息要求写入到文本文件里保存,已知圆半径r=2.5 圆柱高h=4,求圆的周长,面积,圆球体积,圆柱体积,用cin输入要计算的项目,然后输出计算结果,输入输出时要有文字提示,求1!+2!。。。+10!c语言代码,贪吃蛇游戏的C语言代码,求几个带权字符的哈夫曼编码,本打字游戏可进行英文,其它字符和全部字符的打字训练,每次训练若干个字符并进行打字时间,
- Exert is a Fitness Log application. It is written entirely in C# using Gtk#.-Exert is a Fitness Log application. It is written entirely in C# using Gtk#.
- A skip list is a data structure for storing a sorted list of items, using a hierarchy of linked lists that connect increasingly sparse subsequences of the items. These auxiliary lists allow item lookup with efficiency comparable to balanced binary se
- 从数值分析入手,对参考论文中提出的指数及对数函数高精度快速算法进行了分析,并对exp,log两个函数的计算复杂性以及误差作了详细的讨论。并编写了C#程序实现了论文中讨论的关于5个指对函数的数值算法,取得了理想的实验结果。-Starting from the numerical analysis, paper presented to the reference index and logarithmic functions of fast algorithms for high-precisio
- AVL Array 是一个C++风格的容器类,具有快速随机存取和任意位置快速插入、删除的功能。-AVL Array is a C++ STL-style container with fast random access _and_ fast insert/erase at any point (all are O(log N) worst case)
- 使用Visual C++,其实是用了STL了,实现单链表的排序,通过采用分治法,使得时间为O(n*log(n)),空间复杂度O(n)。-Sort of Single Link List
- 使用说明: 1、该计算器对表达式的要求比较严格 2、该计算器默认采用弧度制,计算角度时则要转换:sin(π/6)=0.5 3、括号必须要匹配 4、注意像And这样的运算,前后数值需要括号:(1011)And(1000) 其他说明: Backspace :删除当前输入的最后一位。 CE :清除当前显示的表达式。 C :清除当前的计算,开始新的计算。 MC :清除存储器中的数据。 MR:调用存储器中的数据。 Mod求模(即整数相除求余数)
- Training Artificial Neural Network. XOR Problem. Summation Units, Log-Sigmoid Neurons with Biases. Input Layer: 2, Hidden Layer: 2, Output Layer: 1 neurons. Returns mean square error between desired and actual outputs. Reference Pape
- 主要算法:通过c来得到键盘输入的字符,进行判断是否合法,i的值来判断是否是相邻括号,t来记录相邻括号的个数,count来记录当前的嵌套数,k来记录最大的嵌套数,n来记录括号的对数。-The main algorithm: through C to receive keyboard input characters, to judge whether it is legitimate, the value of I to determine whether the adjacent bracket
- Training Artificial Neural Network. XOR Problem. Summation Units, Log-Sigmoid Neurons with Biases. Input Layer: 2, Hidden Layer: 2, Output Layer: 1 neurons. Returns mean square error between desired and actual outputs. Reference Papers: D. Karaboga,
- Training Artificial Neural Network. XOR Problem. Summation Units, Log-Sigmoid Neurons with Biases. Input Layer: 2, Hidden Layer: 2, Output Layer: 1 neurons. Returns mean square error between desired and actual outputs. Reference Papers: D. Karaboga,
- Write MATLAB code that will do the following enhancement. (a) Manipulate image brightness. (b) Manipulate image contrast. (c) Perform image negative on binary and gray image. (d) Perform log transform. (e) Perform power-law transform
- Write MATLAB code that will do the following. (a) Import a RGB image and display all planes in individual colours. (b) Convert RGB HSI and HSI RGB. (c) Perform adaptive histogram using RGB and HSI image. (d) Manipulate image bri
- 最小最大堆的插入,删除,找最大最小值操作实现(写成C++库文件的形式,可在.cpp代码中直接调用)-MinMaxHeap, we can implement findMin and findMax in O(1) time and insert or delete in O(log n) time.
Parafac codes
- PARAFAC源程序,可以用于平行因子分析处理的算法,很全很好用(unction [A,B,C,LLF,I,J,K] = parafac(XPK,I,N,epsilon) % PARAFAC Parallel factor analysis for an three-way data array % The iterative process is continued until that m > 300 or ABS((LF(m)-LF(m-1)) % /LF(m-1)) is l