- 功率谱估计的应用范围很广,在各学科和应用领域中受到了极大的重视。在《现代信号处理》课程中讲述了经典谱估计和现代谱估计这两大类谱估计方法;经典谱估计是基于傅立叶变换的,虽然具有运算效率高的优点,但是频谱分辨率低同时旁瓣泄漏严重,对长序列有着良好的估计。为了克服经典谱估计的缺点,人们开展了对现代谱估计方法的研究。现代谱估计是以随机过程的参数模型为基础的,有最大似然估计法、最大熵法、AR模型法、预测滤波器法。现代谱估计对短序列的估计精度高,同经典谱估计互为补充。在认真学习了现 代谱估计方法后,我选择了
- % May 2010 % This matlab code implements TVL1 based Hybrid Compressive Sensing using LSQR. % Only suitable the small scale data due to the costly storage and computation. % % A - M x N measurement matrix: random sampling alone or hybrid sampling (ran
- 用matlab实现多幅图片的downsample 把图片变成低分辨率的小图片。,Using matlab implementation of the downsample pictures put into a low-resolution picture of the small picture.
- 利用RGB-IHS变换实现高分辨率图像和低分辨率图像的融合。-The use of RGB-IHS transformation to achieve high-resolution images and the integration of low-resolution images。
- this program contain a super resolution with robust method to produse high quality image from the low quality video squence.
- 本软件主要用于结构的时域试验模态分析,包括单输入单输出,单输入多输出和多输入多输出程序设计。传统的模态分析软件大多是基于频域分析方法,需首先对采样信号进行Fourier 变换。本软件使用实测时域信号,无需Fourier变换,可以避免由于信号截断而引起泄露、出现旁瓣、分辨率低等问题对辨识精度的不利影响。此外,节省了计算机运算时间,可以对实际工况状态下的结构进行在线参数识别。-This software is mainly used for the structure of time-domain
- Monochromatic (gray scale) low resolution image is converged to colored image by false color mapping to "hot" color scheme. This RGB image is then converted to Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV) image. Value component is replaced by higher resolution im
- TVL1重建从混合压缩采样,rice大学泊松分布图像重建与全变分正规化的代码-Note: (1)Fore small-scale data, hybrid sampling consists of Bernoulli random sampling and low-resolution sampling (TVL1_HCS) (1)Fore large-scale data, hybrid sampling consists of Fourier radial sampling
- MATLAB program and example to convert low resolution images to high resolution images
- Radar Systems Analysis and Design Using MATLAB by Bassem R. Mahafza Chapter 1 Radar Fundamentals 1.1. Radar Classifications 1.2. Range MATLAB Function “pulse_train.m” 1.3. Range Resolution MATLAB Function “range_resolution.m” 1.4. D
- in this program, low resolution s images were converted to high resolution s images.
- 基于小波变换的ECG信号去噪系统设计,在信号采集时,身体的任一微小运动都会产生“基线漂移”,这是一种低频干扰,同时,由于肌电的存在又产生了高频的肌电噪声,由于空间电磁场的存在又使心电信号中混有50Hz的工频干扰。这些噪声不去除,就会影响下一步的信号处理。 综合运用数字信号处理的理论知识进行生物医学信号增强系统设计,实现ECG信号的去噪,从而加深对小波变换及其应用的理解,建立概念多分辨分析的概念,加深理解信号增强的原理、方法和步骤。本设计的主要内容是设计一个基于小波变换的ECG信号去噪系统,
- Head Pose Estimation on Low Resolution Images
- Toeplitz 修正处理的music算法。可以提高低信噪比和低采样率下的分辨率。-Toeplitz correction algorithm processing of music. Can improve the signal to noise ratio and low resolution low sampling rates.
- super resolution implementation of tipping paper of microsoft research. It enhances resolution of low resolution set of images and makes a high resolution image
- The low-resolution images have small translations and rotations the high-resolution reference image. The problem consists of constructing a model of linear transformations for each image, and then piecing together the images to form the high-resoluti
- Super-resolution deals with the construction of highresolution images using a set of low-resolution images obtained a scene with subpixel shifts. These lowresolution images are typically obtained a jittery camera source, such as a camera mounted -Sup
- In this project, we attempt to solve the super-resolution problem with a MAP approach, following Hardie, et. al [1]. We construct a model of the low-resolution images and attempt to learn the high-resolution images. Effects of model parameters are di
- 读取高程数据的MATLAB程序,经过测试,很不错的,希望对大家有帮助- read_SRTMtile: returns lon, lat, & height (height in meters) SRTM 3-arcsec data USE: [vlon vlat vhgt] read_SRTMtile(filename,sc) INPUT: filename: filename, e.g. s23w041.h
- solve a joint antenna selection and analog beamformer problem(jointly design the antenna selection and analog beamformer with low-resolution phase shifters in mmwave MIMO systems)