- CGAL is a collaborative effort of several sites in Europe and Israel. The goal is to make the most important of the solutions and methods developed in computational geometry available to users in industry and academia in a C++ library.
- 对于给定的带权3-CNF,设计一个蒙特卡罗算法,使其权值之和尽可能大-regard to the right to bring 3-CNF, a Monte Carlo algorithm design, make it the right value and the greatest possible
- 假如所有的哲学家都同时拿起左侧叉子,看到右侧叉子不可用,又都放下左侧叉子,等一会儿,又同时拿起左侧叉子,如此这般,永远重复。对于这种情况,即所有的程序都在无限期地运行,但是都无法取得任何进展,即出现饥饿,所有哲学家都吃不上饭。所以规定奇数号的哲学家先拿起他左边的叉子,然后再去拿他右边的叉子 而偶数号的哲学家则相反.按此规定,将是0,1号哲学家竞争0号叉子,2,3号哲学家竞争2号叉子.即五个哲学家都竞争奇数号叉子,获得后,再去竞争偶数号叉子,最后总会有一个哲学家能获得两支叉子而进餐。而申请不到的哲
- 实现背包问题 package problem 1. 问题描述 假设有一个能装入总体积为T的背包和n件体积分别为w1 , w2 , … , wn 的物品,能否从n件物品中挑选若干件恰好装满背包,即使w1 +w2 + … + wn=T,要求找出所有满足上述条件的解。例如:当T=10,各件物品的体积{1,8,4,3,5,2}时,可找到下列4组解: (1,4,3,2)、(1,4,5)、(8,2)、(3,5,2)。 2. 基本要求 读入T、n、w1 , w2 , … , wn
- We often get questions about how the deflate() and inflate() functions should be used. Users wonder when they should provide more input, when they should use more output, what to do with a Z_BUF_ERROR, how to make sure the process terminates properly
- 三电平SVPWM算法逆变器,基于MATLAB例子,自己做了修改-Three-level inverter SVPWM algorithm, based on MATLAB examples, make changes
- 这是恒好的代码,请大家好好利用他,谢谢了,我眼下在-This is the constant good code, please make good use of him, thank you, I now in
- 由于V3.3较之前的版本改动很大,所以系统很难制作一个升级文件。V3.2及以下版本,有大量数据的,可以试图将专辑、音乐、歌手信息用数据库工具如phpmyadmin等导入V3.3系统。导入出现错误的,可以参考V3.3的数据结构,修改原有的V3.2及以下版本的数据结构,然后再倒入V3.3。 V3.3较之前版本有如下改进:1、重新规划了数据库,加快了数据库的查询速度,以适应大量数据的音乐网站。 2、增加了会员上传歌词功能,会员上传歌词后,管理员从后台确认,并可以采用该歌词为该歌曲的默认歌
- matlab设计程序用FFT对信号作频谱分析-matlab program designed to make the signal with the FFT spectrum analysis
- 输入三个整数x,y,z,请把这三个数由小到大输出。 1.程序分析:我们想办法把最小的数放到x上,先将x与y进行比较,如果x>y则将x与y的值进行交换, 然后再用x与z进行比较,如果x>z则将x与z的值进行交换,这样能使x最小。-Enter three integers x, y, z, please these three the number of small to large output. A program analysis: we want to a
- 修改dijkstra算法,使得当某一节点存在多条路径时,保留经过节点最少的那条路径。-Modify dijkstra algorithm, make that when a nodes exist multiple paths, keep the least path through node.
- 以短时傅里叶变换为基础,进行信号的时频分析,可以在做出三维瀑布图。-In short time Fourier transform as the foundation, carries on the signal of time-frequency analysis, we can make 3 d waterfall diagram
- LIBSVM的工具包,里边含有已经编译过的make,64位.32位一般都可以直接使用,的安装vc。这个工具包添加ClassResult.m函数,方便给出各种分类准确率,以及给出判别函数的权值w、偏置b、支持向量在原始训练集中的位置索引以及alpha系数。-搜索 图片 地图 新闻 云端硬盘 日历 翻译 相册 更多 ▼ 翻译 LIBSVM toolkit has been compiled containing inside make, 64 位 .32 bit can generally
- 单链表中的数据元素含有三种字符(字母、数字、其他字符),算法实现构造三个循环链表,是每个循环链表中只含有同一类字符,且利用原表中的结点空间作为这三个表的结点空间。-Singly linked lists of data element contains three characters (letters, Numbers and other characters), the algorithm constructs three circular linked list, each cycle l
- A、B、C为三个元素之递增有序的线性表,对A作如下运算,删去既在B中出现又在C中出现的元素。分别以顺序存储结构和链式存储结构实现。-A, B, C for the three elements of increasing order linear list, to make the following operation, A cut in B and appear in C elements. With sequential storage structure and chain store
- 机器人路径规划的程序算法,用C++语言实现,在传统的RRT算法的基础上进行改进,使路径规划的时间大大缩短,同时增加寻优效率-Program robot path planning algorithm, with C++ language, make improvements in the traditional RRT algorithm, so that the path planning time is greatly reduced, while increasing efficiency
- For 2D array size there must be constant value in square brackets like array[constant value][constant value] Two const variables row and col are used to define size if we do not make both const then error found because without const reserve wo
3.19 基于Kalman滤波的目标跟踪
- 应用Kalrnan滤波原理,对运动目标进行跟踪,缩小目标的搜索范围,实现快速实时跟踪,使跟踪更为准确。理论分析和实验结果表明,该算法与常规的模板匹配法、直方图模板匹配法等算法相比,有效地提高了目标跟踪的速度及跟踪的准确性。(The Kalrnan filtering principle is used to track the moving target, reduce the search range of the target, realize fast and real-time trac
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- 人工智能行业报告3,可以非常清楚的了解行业发展情况,做出最好的判断。(The report of the artificial intelligence industry can make a clear understanding of the development of the industry and make the best judgment.)
ATR马丁网格Fluid Blue 3.3
- ATR马丁网格Fluid Blue 3.3版本EA是走逆势交易的策略,全自动建仓平仓,博取趋势的折返的间隙获取超额收益。不网格的策略很少能盈利可观,想要盈利多还是要看马丁类策略,不用担心爆仓问题,这款策略浮亏上也控制的不错,经我自己测试稳定参数,月化可以达到25%左右的盈利。(ATR Martin grid fluid blue 3.3 version EA is a strategy of trading against the trend. It can automatically buil