- 求解TSP和MTSP的混合遗传算法_英文_,Abstract:M any app licat ions are invo lved w ith mult ip le salesmen each of w hom visits a subgroup cit ies and returns the same start ing city. The to tal length of all subtours is required to be m ini2 mum. Th is is called
- 這是一個求數獨遊戲的m-file 在matlab的命令窗口 鍵入>> sudo7 或者run sudo7 的m-file 之後在 9x9 的方格內 填入 數獨的問題 按下 "計算是否有解" 的功能鍵 若不是存在多組的解,則可以 按下 "顯示結果" 的功能鍵, 也可以載入作者測試的"date1"或"date2" 但不可載入及修改"condition"-This is a Sudoku game for the m-fil
- 一个matlab的基于SIFT算子的logo图像识别代码-A SIFT-based matlab operator identification code of the logo image
- OFDM原理matlab图形界面演示程序,本人原创。 OFDMDEMO Demonstrates OFDM Communication System Function: to demonstrate the primary principle of OFDM system To start the demo type "OFDMDEMO" in Matlab. For more information press "help" button ofdmsimple.m is the key
- 实现有效的学习算法 的稀疏贝叶斯模型,即稀疏贝叶斯matlab工具箱-"SparseBayes" is a package of Matlab functions designed to implement an efficient learning algorithm for "Sparse Bayesian" models. The "Version 2" package is an expanded imple
- 该例程是基于人耳掩蔽效应的语音增强算法的MATLAB实现。压缩包中附带参考文献(基于人耳掩蔽效应的谱减算法的研究与实现)、测试所使用的音频信号、以及段信噪比计算函数。源代码中MaskingSub.m(源代码主要部分)及Main.m为本人所写,其余均来自程序员联合开发网。运行环境MATLAB R2009b-Key words:masking property, spectral subtraction algorithm
- he files in this package comprise the Matlab implementation of a foreground segmentation algorithm based upon graph cuts, described in: Better Foreground Segmentation Through Graph Cuts, N. Howe & A. Deschamps. Tech report, http://arxiv.org/
- Image Encryption based on the RGB PIXEL Transposition and Shuffling Abstract — Privacy is one of the key issues information Security addresses. Through encryption one can prevent a third party from understanding raw data during signal transmissi
- How to run the program 1. open MATLAB goto the project's root path 2. run main.m 3. in the command window it will show the accuracy calculated by testing data set 4. press any key in the command window to show the GUI for this project 5. click t