- 主要包括免疫识别、免疫学习、免疫 记忆、克隆选择、个体多样性、分布式和自适应等,-It is the real engineering app licat ion s that draw the b road at ten2 t ion of compu ter scien t ist s to recogn ize the great po ten t ial of A IS, hereby som e impo rtan t app li2 cat ion f ields as
- 关于matlab在游戏娱乐中的应用,例如:猫捉老鼠,俄罗斯方块,山寨版极品飞车等经典小游戏-Matlab in the game on the entertainment applications, such as: cat and mouse, the Russian box, cottage version of the classic games such as Need for Speed
- 本程序是现代谱导航分析中的惯性导航中的姿态角度的分析的matlab程序,经过仿真验证,获得较为准确的结果。-The navigation program is modern spectral analysis of inertial navigation in the analysis of the attitude angle of the matlab program, through simulation, to obtain more accurate results.
- 基于matlab的类似于iphone上tom猫-Based on the MATLAB is similar to iPhone tom cat
- Discrete binary cat swarm optimization in matlab
- 高维猫映射的matlab,用于生成随机序列-High dimensional cat map, used to generate random sequences
gpie CAT Bond
- CAT bond homework.........