Program for Space-Time-Block-Code BPSK modulation performance as a function of SNR and BER. (MATLAB)
this a matlab code for cdma it is a calculation of ber,snr etc.
-this is a matlab code for cdma it is a calculation of ber,snr etc.
amplify and farward : code in mtalab that produce figures of BER and SNR for amplify and farxard relay
This M Code simulate the effects of clipping and filtering on PAPR reduction in OFDM-based wireless standard.Also the performance of BER versus SNR of original OFDM signals with PAPR reduction based on clipping and filtering schemes over AWGN channel
恶性码(灾难码)的仿真,计算不同信噪比下的PER和SER-MATLAB code used to calculate P[k] for each SNR. The output is
then used to calculate the PER as 1− P[k = 0] and the BER
This program stimulation AF cooperative diversity with matlabcode and earn SNR versus BER-This program stimulation AF cooperative diversity with matlabcode and earn SNR versus BER
利用SIMULINK和M函数相结合的方式仿真BFSK 调制在多路径瑞丽衰落信道中的传输性能。其中 source产生速率为10Kbit/s、帧长度为1秒的二进制数据源data,并且通过BFSK产生调制信号。BFSK调制的频率间隔为24KHz, BPSK调制符号的样点数为2,调制信号通过多径瑞利衰落信道,移动终端相对运动速率为40公里/小时,接收端对信号进行解调,并把解调后的信号和原始数据信号相比较计算误比特率。最后Sink模块根据SNR与误比特率的关系绘制曲线。-And M functions u
Matlab code for BPSK in AWGN channel. This code is written in digital domain. It gives user the ability control the number of time that code is running. It compares the theoretical and experimental bit error rate for BPSK modulation. It also plots th
本代码主要运用MATLAB的simulink的模块构建了一个OFDM的基本链路,并研究了AWGN信道在不同SNR下产生的误码率(BER).(This code mainly uses the MATLAB module of Simulink to build a basic link of OFDM, and studies the error rate (BER) of AWGN channel under different SNR)