- 一个matlab的工具包,里面包括一些分类器 例如 KNN KMEAN SVM NETLAB 等等有很多.-a Matlab tool kits, including some inside classifier for example KNN KMEAN SVM NETLAB etc. plenty.
- 台湾林智仁教授编写的svm工具箱,比较好用,是众多SVM工具箱中相当经典的一个,被国内外很多学者所引用。-This tool has been developed by professor Chih-Jen Lin of TaiWan.It is easy to use.Besides it was widely used by scholars all over the world.
- 支撑向量机SVM的工具LIBSVM,能够在windows平台下通过命令行使用,也可以在matlab下调用,适合于研究复杂条件下的分类问题-Libsvm is a simple, easy-to-use, and efficient software for SVM classification and regression. It solves C-SVM classification, nu-SVM classification, one-class-SVM, epsilon-SVM
- SVM工具箱集锦,希望对大家有帮助,SVM现在发展很快啊!-SVM Toolbox Collection, I hope all of you help, SVM has developed very rapidly now ah!
- osusvm matlab 一个支撑向量机的工具包。希望对大家有用。-a Support Vector Machine tool kit. We hope that the right useful.-osusvm matlab a support vector machine toolkit. Hope useful for all of us.-a Support Vector Machine tool kit. We hope that the right useful.
- 里面有两个实验,包括PPT和实验的代码,可以帮助一些想学习神经网络的朋友一个大忙。-We now have an easy scr ipt (easy.py) for users who know NOTHING about svm. It makes everything automatic--from data scaling to parameter selection. The parameter selection tool grid.py generates the follo
- In this paper, we show how support vector machine (SVM) can be employed as a powerful tool for $k$-nearest neighbor (kNN) classifier. A novel multi-class dimensionality reduction approach, Discriminant Analysis via Support Vectors (SVDA), is in
- LS-SVM实用的matlab工具箱,精度还可以,欢迎下载-the MATLAB tool box of LS-SVM
- 支持向量机(SVM)matlab 代码,附有详细的使用说明及举例讲解。 -This tool provides a simple interface to LIBSVM, a library for support vector machines.
- stprtool的使用文档,非常好的模式识别工具包,里面有关于核的以及贝叶斯的相关程序,以及PCA,EM,SVM等方法。 -stprtool the use of the document, very good pattern recognition tool kit, which has nuclear as well as Bayes procedures, as well as PCA, EM, SVM and other methods.
- HSSVM是一个用超球SVM(Hyper-Sphere Support Vector Machines)模型求解多分类问题的工具包,采用Java语言实现。开发该程序的主要目的,是利用超球SVM求解模型代替传统上借助于解二分类问题的经典SVM模型来求解多分类问题。本文将论述该程序的主要实现细节,包括相关算法及设计原理的描述。-HSSVM is an ultra ball SVM (Hyper-Sphere Support Vector Machines) to solve multi-classi
- MATLAB cross-validation tool for classification and regression v0.1 FEATURES: + K-fold cross validation. + Arbitrary train and prediction functions with parameters can be used. + Arbitrary loss function can be used. + Wrappers for
- Matlab Support Vector Machine Toolbox2.1.This tool provides a simple interface to SVM, a library for support vector machines-Matlab Support Vector Machine Toolbox2.1.This tool provides a simple interface to SVM, a library for support vector
- Matlab工具包,包含了支持向量机和核函数的工具包,可直接调用-Matlab toolkit, including support vector machine SVM and kernel function tool kit, can be called directly
- svm工具包代码和使用说明,安装在matlab tool工具箱下,并附有说明,方便对数据集进行分类或回归的处理-svmtoolbox s using method,install it in the software of matlab,you know it
- 在matlab环境下,实现鸢尾花数据库的SVM分类,没有使用现成的工具包。-SVM classifier in Matlab environment, iris database, do not use off-the-shelf tool kit.
- toolbox of svm written in matlab language
- 台湾大学教授的新版的支持向量机matlab 工具包;包括线性支持向量机与核函数支持向量机libsvm-3.20-a new matlab tool which is contributed by a professor coming TaiWan university SVM,libsvm-3.20
- 支持向量机用于实现数据挖掘的代码,还有该工具箱的使用实例-matlab code of support vector machine for data mining, with example of this toolbox
- matlab 工具箱svm,具体添加操作可以参照百度,很容易找到(SVMlab toolbox on the instructions for use method descr iption (English), and use this tool kit to achieve a time series forecasting papers you want to help.)