- 该程序实现图的建立与先深和先广遍历,图采用矩阵存储,在遍历过程中用栈实现,但若改用队列,将会实现得更自然流畅-the program plans to establish the first and the first deep-Traversal, map storage matrix, Traversing in the process of making Stack, but switch queue, there will be more natural and fluid
- 支持泛型数据类型的矩阵运算,包含了所有基本的矩阵运算,求逆、转置、点乘、点除等-support Generic types of data matrix containing all the basic matrix calculation, the inversion switch home, point by point, and so on except
- 本程序能完成矩阵的输入、输出。具有相同行数和列数的矩阵间的加法、减法。符合矩阵乘法规则要求的矩阵间的乘法。方阵间的除法,方阵的求逆。矩阵的求转置矩阵等功能。-this procedure can be completed matrix of input and output. Have the same number of rows and columns in the matrix between the additive and subtractive. Matrix multiplicat
- 矩阵的转置,实现矩阵的行列之间的倒换转置,很好理解的-matrix transpose, achieving the ranks of matrix switching switch between the home and a good understanding of
- 键盘任意输入一个稀疏矩阵A(m*n),采用三元组存储方法求其转置矩阵B(n*m),并用快速转置算法实现该操作。-keyboard indiscriminate importation of a sparse matrix A (n * m), using triple storage switch for its own matrix B (n * m), and fast algorithm home to the operation.
- 利用单片机实现多路矩阵切换,比较详细的设计方案。-The use of multi-channel matrix switch MCU, a more detailed design.
- 交互多模型算法是一种用模型集描述系统各个时刻的状态,相对于单模型系统有很大的适应性,其模型集之间的切换是一个马尔科夫过程,按照状态转移概率矩阵进行切换的-Interacting multiple model algorithm is a model used to describe the system sets the status of each moment, as opposed to a single model system has great flexibility, the mo
- 这是一个关于基于VCSOA的光开关的仿真程序。仿真程序基于传输矩阵法设计的,将整个器件在轴向按折射率的不同分成很多层。计算了在外部抽运(即泵浦,加在放大器上的工作电流)呈现周期性变化时,放大器将输出一系列的光脉冲,即光开关。 - This is a simulation package for computing the characteristics of the VCSOA when acting as an optical switch, which is designed bas