- Boosting is a meta-learning approach that aims at combining an ensemble of weak classifiers to form a strong classifier. Adaptive Boosting (Adaboost) implements this idea as a greedy search for a linear combination of classifiers by overweighting the
- Parallel LBM in C++ In which, as a counterpoint to abstract virtual generic templated meta-programming, we present a concrete code to simulate on precisely two computational nodes using a 1D lattice Boltzmann model with omega = 1 the heating of one
- AdaBoost, Adaptive Boosting, is a well-known meta machine learning algorithm that was proposed by Yoav Freund and Robert Schapire. In this project there two main files 1. ADABOOST_tr.m 2. ADABOOST_te.m to traing and test a user-coded learnin
- 在《C++ Templates: The Complete Guide》一书中(以下简称书),提出了模板元编程最早的实际应用之一:在数值运算中进行解循环优化。 而本文的标题是噱头!本文的真正目的是指出这种优化措施在增加复杂性的同时,并不一定能明显改善效率。应当谨慎使用该技术——默认不使用该技术,在点积计算确实是效率瓶颈时考虑采用该技术,并认真测试该技术是否真能提高效率。 -In C++ Templates: The Complete Guide , a book (hereinafte
- Java平台的启发式优化算法,包含了多目标进化算法(SPEA2和NSGA2),多目标差异进化,PSO和单目标模拟退火算法。并且包含了ZDT,DTLZ和WFG等测试函数-Opt4J is a framework for applying meta-heuristic optimization algorithms to arbitrary optimization problems. The Opt4J framework currently includes a multi-obje
- 用MATLAB实现的dijikstra最短路径算法,在算法中运用了元包技术用以记录路径/以及蒙特卡诺算法-Using MATLAB implementation dijikstra shortest path algorithm, the algorithm used in the meta-package technology to record the path
- Simulated Annealing (SA) is a smart (meta)-heuristic for Optimization. Given a cost function in a large search space, SA replaces the current solution by a random "nearby" solution. The nearby solution is chosen with a probability that depends on the
- DICOMDIR Reader Matlab实现DICOMDIR读取 Matlab, Image Processing Toolbox 程序读取DICOMDIR文件,读取meta数据,生成三维矩阵。 相关知识 Reading DICOMDIR folder using the directory browser GUI: dcmSeries = loaddcmdir Generating 3D array by selecting a dico
- Opt4J is a framework for applying meta-heuristic optimization algorithms to arbitrary optimization problems. Version 2.2
- 文章首先针对DICOM3.0 标准, 对DICOM 医学图象的数据结构进行系统的分析, 阐述了文件元信息, 数据集和数据元素的 格式 然后结合DICOM 图象显示的各种方法,创建了DICOM 图象显示核心类, 并简要描述了部分函数的功能。-This paper is to analyze the structure of DICOM medical image,including the structure of File Meta Information,dataset and data
- This refers to ACO which is a meta heuristics and use this in Tabu search algorithm.
- AdaBoost, short for Adaptive Boosting, is a machine learning algorithm, formulated by Yoav Freund and Robert Schapire. It is a meta-algorithm, and can be used in conjunction with many other learning algorithms to improve their performance.
- 该算法是最优化算法当中处理图形的较为常见的算法,适合初学者学习-ngx_pagespeed ngx_pagespeed speeds up your site and reduces page load time by automatically applying web performance best practices to pages and associated assets (CSS, Javascr ipt, images) without requiring you to m
- This sript loads meta biopac data and converts it to easy to use signal vectors. The code is fast and useful for extracting many signals in one process.-This sript loads meta biopac data and converts it to easy to use signal vectors. The code is fas
- adaboost代码,比较简单。但方便了解Adaboost算法的基本原理-The aim of the project is to provide a source of the meta-learning algorithm known as AdaBoost to improve the performance of the user-defined classifiers.
- GODLIKE is an abbreviation of Global Optimum Determination by Linking and Interchanging Kindred Evaluators. This algorithm is an attempt to gen- eralize and improve the robustness of the four meta-heuristic optimization al- gorithms GA, PSO, DE
- 泡泡龙是一款很受欢迎的小游戏,画面简洁,操作简单容易,是很适合娱乐休闲的游戏。 Qt是一个1991年由奇趣科技开发的跨平台C++图形用户界面应用程序开发框架。它既可以开发GUI程式,也可用于开发非GUI程式,比如控制台工具和服务器。Qt是面向对象的框架,使用特殊的代码生成扩展(称为元对象编译器(Meta Object Compiler, moc))以及一些宏,易于扩展,允许组件编程。基本上,Qt 同 X Window 上的 Motif、Openwin、GTK 等图形界面库和 Windows
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- This paper presents a new method to solve the network reconfiguration problem in the presence of distributed generation (DG) with an objective of minimizing real power loss and improving voltage profile in distribution system. A meta heuristic
- n this paper, Optimization is considered as the main impact of insight problem and heuristic methods. A proposed method is represented by using two optimization algorithms cuckoo optimization is heuristic method and Genetic algorithm is meta-heuristi