- 基于调和平均数方法分析瑞利信道多点两跳中继合作分集性能-Based on Harmonic Analysis of the average Rayleigh channel multi-point two-hop relay cooperative diversity performance
- 近年来随着移动互联网业务和物联网业务的兴起与 发展,用户对移动宽带业务需求越来越旺盛,对移动通信 网络的接入速率和质量要求也越来越高,原有基于码分多 址(CDMA)的3G及其增强技术未来将无法满足业务发展 需要,因此3GPP及3GPP2组织自2004年开始启动长期 演进(LTE)/空口演进(AIE,后改名为超移动宽带UMB)项 目,旨在通过引入一些关键技术,如正交频分复用(OFDM) 调制技术、多入多出(MIMO)技术、混合自动重传请求 (HARQ)、全IP扁平化
- Relaying and orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) are the accepted technologies for emerging wireless communications standards. The activities in many wireless standardization bodies and forums, for example IEEE 802.16 j/m an
- Relaying and orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) are the accepted technologies for emerging wireless communications standards. The activities in many wireless standardization bodies and forums, for example IEEE 802.16 j/m an
- 多天线人之中继网络的研究,很好的一篇论文,我自己受益匪浅-The multi-antenna relay network of people, very good paper, I benefited
- 本书是“移动通信前沿技术系列”之一,全书共分18个章节,主要对协作通信及网络知识作了介绍,具体内容包括空时分集和编码、空时频分集与空时频编码、中继信道及协议、单中继协作通信、多节点协作通信等。全书内容分为三部分,第一部分回顾传统的MIMO系统,介绍空间、时间、频率分集的概念。第二部分主要考虑协作通信物理层的关键问题,并对其提出了行之有效的解决方案,比如针对协作通信的分布式特点,提出分布式空时(频)码;针对协作通信的频谱效率问题,提出了新颖和有效的协作方案。第三部分介绍协作通信对物理层之上的MAC
- This program simulate a multi-antenna multi-relay dual-hop amplify and forward relaying system over Nakagami-m fading channels. The output of this function is the outage probability.- This program simulate a multi-antenna multi-relay dual
- This program simulate a multi-antenna multi-relay dual-hop amplify and forward relaying system over Nakagami-m fading channels. The output of this function is the symbol error probability.- This program simulate a multi-antenna multi-rel
- This program simulate a multi-antenna multi-relay dual-hop amplify and forward relaying system over Nakagami-m fading channels. The output of this function is the average channel capacity. clc- This program simulate a multi-antenna multi-
- Simulating the Outage Probability for a AF Multi-Branch Dual-Hop relay Network utilizing OT method over Rayleigh Fading Channels- Simulating the Outage Probability for a AF Multi-Branch Dual-Hop relay Network utilizing OT method over Ray
- This program describe a stimulation which is in Part 1: No-Relay Transmitted power. In part 2 Relay Transmitted Power (Two-hop transmission) and in Part 3: Plot the graph Simple Relay , No Relay , Optimum Power level-This program describe a stimula
- 放大前传协作的仿真代码:单/多中继协作的性能分析。包括MRC,Best-SC,EGC,GSC,Nth SC等多达9种合并方法的系统性能分析。-AF simulation code: single/multi-relay cooperative system performance. Including MRC, Best-SC, EGC, GSC, Nth SC system performance of up to nine consolidation method.