- 该题目是要求我们编一个程序,该程序能将书上的P-代码程序用三地址码来实现。-the subject is to ask us to a series procedures, the procedures can book on the P-code programs using three addresses code is to be achieved.
- 在过程控制中,按偏差的比例(P)、积分(I)和微分(D)进行控制的PID控制器(亦称PID调节器)是应用最为广泛的一种自动控制器。
- 标准BP神经网络算法程序:动量BP算法程序:% 调用 TRAINGDX 算法训练 BP 网络 粒子群优化神经网络源程序,The standard BP neural network algorithm procedure: momentum BP algorithm procedure: TRAINGDX called BP network training algorithm particle swarm optimization neural network source code
- 包括图像分析的四部分代码:matlab扩散和高斯函数,线性扩散,线性复扩散,非线性扩散。,It contains four parts: [1]MATLAB function:diffusion.m gauss.m [2]Linear diffusion Applying linear diffusion to images creating linear scale-space. MATLAB code: demo_lin.m Image: haifa1.bmp [3]Li
- 支持向量机(SVM)是数据挖掘中的一个新方法,能非常成功地处理回归问题(时间序列分析)和模式识别(分类问题、判别分析)等诸多问题,并可推广于预测和综合评价等领域,因此可应用于理科、工科和管理等多种学科。目前国际上支持向量机在理论研究和实际应用两方面都正处于飞速发展阶段。它广泛的应用于统计分类以及回归分析中. 支持向量机属于一般化线性分类器.他们也可以认为是提克洛夫规则化(Tikhonov Regularization)方法的一个特例.这族分类器的特点是他们能够同时最小化经验误差与最大化几何边缘区
- ua University, in 2002 publi this document, including the Mont A program of curve fitting based Bayesian Filter. Bayesian (Bayesi a target tracking system MATLAB s cubic spline curve fitting This i book is widely used in engineerin this
- 这是利用粗糙集理论做得最小值约简法代码,值得借鉴,This is the use of rough set theory has done the minimum code Reduction Act, it is worth drawing
- 卡尔曼滤波在目标跟踪中应用仿真研究 源代码,Kalman Filter in Target Tracking Application Simulation source code
- 埃及人wael korani写的采用粒子群算法(pso)代码调用simulink模型优化pid参数,与大家共享,Wael korani Egyptians wrote using particle swarm optimization (pso) code pid call simulink model optimization parameters, and share
- 代码用于估计关联维数。包括G-P算法(corrint.m),高斯核关联算法(gka.m) 和Judd算法(judd.m)-Correlation dimension estimation code. Algorithms for estimating the correlation dimension using the grassberger-Proccacia approach (corrint.m), the Gaussian-Kernel algorithm (gka.m) and Ju
- zernike matlab代码函数-zernike matlab code function. . . . .
- The "GEE! It s Simple" package illustrates Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting, which produces a factorization of P*A into the product L*U where P is a permutation matrix, and L and U are lower and upper triangular, respectively. The fu
- The "GEE! It s Simple" package illustrates Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting, which produces a factorization of P*A into the product L*U where P is a permutation matrix, and L and U are lower and upper triangular, respectively. The fu
- 数据结构课程设计包括1运动会分数统计程序的设计与实现2航空订票系统程序的设计与实现3约瑟夫环程序的设计与实现4哈弗曼程序的设计与实现,有程序源代码和结果截屏-Data structure course design, including scores of statistical procedures 1 Games Design and Implementation of 2 procedures for air booking system Design and Implementation
- matlab中PDE工具箱的帮助文件pde.pdf的例子全部用代码实现,花了我一个月的时间,有限元应用程序-matlab in PDE toolbox pde.pdf Help file with examples of all the code, I spent a month s time, the finite element applications
- 卷积码编码仿真程序,编码速率为1/2;在Matlab环境下仿真,适用于初学者。-Convolutional code simulation program coding, coding rate of 1/2 in the Matlab simulation environment for beginners.
- FFT快速傅立叶变换的代码,只需要Matlab环境即可运行。需要输入分析数据。-FFT Fast Fourier Transform code, only need to run Matlab environment. Need to enter data.
- 18个遗传算法程序matlab源码,包括遗传算法核心程序,二进制编码应用程序,浮点编码的应用程序等等。-18 procedures matlab genetic algorithm source code, including the core genetic algorithm procedure, binary-coded applications, floating-point encoding applications and so on.
- 灰色预测GM(1,1)模型的matlab源代码,包括预测模型的建立,以及模型的精度检验指标c,p的计算-Gray prediction GM (1,1) model matlab source code, including the prediction model, as well as indicators of model accuracy test c, p calculation
- P码的匹配滤波+FFT的捕获程序。可以用于P码的直接捕获。-P code matched filter+ FFT of the capture program. P code can be used for direct capture.