- 并行编程,利用MPI实现向量与矩阵的乘法运算-Parallel programming using MPI to achieve vector and matrix multiplication
- 用MATLAB画一个弯曲的圆柱 思想:把圆柱按轴线分若干段,在每个断面画圆,圆的法线就轴线的切向方向。柱面画若干平行于轴线的线条,其中用到平行单位矢量点积等于1,不平行的结果是[-1,1)。 -MATLAB painting with a cylindrical curved thinking: the cylinder axis by a number of sub-paragraph in each section drawcircle, round on the normal ax
- In this project we have processed the speech signal with the help of the DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING techniques. The speech signal is given as the input will be verified using speech recognition technique using matlab. We have used Mel Frequency Cepstr
- 支持向量机(svm)的 序列最小优化算法(sequential minimal optimization) 的大量论文资料!该算法可用来开发svm的并行算法!-Support vector machine (svm) of the sequential minimal optimization algorithm (sequential minimal optimization) information on a large number of papers! The algorithm can
- 基于GPU计算的SVM,VC++源码,包括详细文档说明文件。借用了GPU编程的优势,该代码据作者说比常规的libsvm等算法包的训练速度快13-73倍,预测速度快22-172倍。希望对大家有用-cuSVM is a software package for high-speed (Gaussian-kernelized) Support Vector Machine training and prediction that exploits the massively parallel proc
- 已知轴线方程,把圆柱按轴线分若干段,在每个断面画圆,圆的法线就轴线的切向方向。柱面画若干平行于轴线的线条,其中用到平行单位矢量点积等于1,不平行的结果是[-1,1)。-Axis equations are known, according to the axis of the cylinder divided into several segments, each section in the circle, the circle axis normal to the tangential di
- 稀疏矩阵的DIA/ELLPACK/COO/CSR/HYB表示形式,以及各表示形式下的稀疏矩阵乘法(稀疏大矩阵*矢量)的CUDA实现。对于矩阵中每一行稀疏元素个数较统一的情况,ELLPACK表示最佳,其次是HYB(ELL+COO)。 CUDA™ 是一种由NVIDIA推出的通用并行计算架构,该架构使GPU能够解决复杂的计算问题。 它包含了CUDA指令集架构(ISA)以及GPU内部的并行计算引擎。 开发人员现在可以使用C语言来为CUDA™ 架构编写程序-Sparse matri
- 基于双平行线阵的声矢量传感器的MUSIC算法 用于在高斯白噪声环境下估计信号的到2维达角度 -MUSIC algorithm based on dual parallel linear array of acoustic vector sensor it can be used to estimate the signal in Gaussian white noise environment to the two Vader angle
- EasySolve: 求取线性方程组AX+B=0的一组解,若解唯一则直接返回该解,若解不唯一则从解集中随机返回一组 程序会根据方程信息自动计算返回的解的合适数量级和随机中心的偏移量,使得返回随机解的大小合适于调用它的程序。 OrnoBasis: 根据输入向量的维度,返回该维度下的一组标准正交基底,输入的列向量组中的有效向量(非零、线性无关)会被标准正交化并作为基向量、按旧有顺序排在增补列向量的前边。 RotaObj: 任意维度下(>=2)的点集的保形旋转(不变形的旋转,
- DeepLearnToolbox_CNN_lzbV2.0 深度学习,卷积神经网络,Matlab工具箱 参考文献: [1] Notes on Convolutional Neural Networks. Jake Bouvrie. 2006 [2] Gradient-Based Learning Applied to Document Recognition. Yann LeCun. 1998 [3] https://github.com/rasmusberg
- CNN - 主程序 参考文献: [1] Notes on Convolutional Neural Networks. Jake Bouvrie. 2006 [2] Gradient-Based Learning Applied to Document Recognition. Yann LeCun. 1998 [3] https://github.com/rasmusbergpalm/DeepLearnToolbox 作者:陆振波 电子
- 输入并行数据转为串行数据,并可读写,存为列向量形式。-Enter the parallel data into serial data, and can read and write, stored as a column vector form.
Parafac codes
- PARAFAC源程序,可以用于平行因子分析处理的算法,很全很好用(unction [A,B,C,LLF,I,J,K] = parafac(XPK,I,N,epsilon) % PARAFAC Parallel factor analysis for an three-way data array % The iterative process is continued until that m > 300 or ABS((LF(m)-LF(m-1)) % /LF(m-1)) is l