- 高斯过程是一种非参数化的学习方法,它可以很自然的用于regression,也可以用于classification。本程序用高斯过程实现分类!-Gaussian process is a non - parametric method of learning, it is very natural for regression. can also be used for classification. The procedures used to achieve classification G
- 局部线性回归方法及其稳健形式已经被看作一种有效的非参数光滑方法.与流行的核回归方法相比,它有诸多优点,诸如:较高的渐近效率和较强的适应设计能力.另外,局部线性回归能适应几乎所有的回归设计情形却不需要任何边界修正。,Local linear regression methods and their solid form has been seen as an effective non-parametric smoothing method. Contrary to popular kernel
- ADAMS软件使用交互式图形环境和零件库、约束库、力库,创建完全参数化的机械系统几何模型,其求解器采用多刚体系统动力学理论中的拉格郎日方程方法-ADAMS software uses an interactive graphical environment, and part library, library binding, force libraries to create fully parametric geometric model of the mechanical system,
- 以为高斯和密度估计,使用高斯核的非参数密度估计方法,对样本进行概率密度估计,程序中给出了窗宽的估算公式。-That the Gaussian and density estimation, using Gaussian kernel non-parametric density estimation method, the sample probability density estimates, the program gives the formula for bandwidth estim
- Mann-Kendall Tau-b非线性函数,用于时间序列分析中计算平均变化趋势。-The Mann-Kendall Tau-b non-parametric function computes a coefficient representing strength and direction of a trend for equally spaced data. While you do not need the Statistics Toolbox to compute Taub, you
- 功率谱 welch 方法 there is a simple demo for non parameteric spectral estimation methods-Welch method of power spectrum there is a simple demo for non parameteric spectral estimation methods
- The burg method for the AR model parameters(parametric methods for power spectrum estimation)
- 通过单一的Wi-Fi接入点的信号强度来判断移动物体的位置。比较新的一篇文章。用了蒙特卡罗抽样的办法-Monte Carlo Sampling Method-来估计位置。-This paper describes research towards a system for locating wireless nodes in a home environment requiring merely a single access point. The only sensor reading
- 两类二维相关正态分布条件下的最小错误率贝叶斯分类器,基于最小风险的贝叶斯分类器,Parzen窗法非参数估计分类器程序,Fisher线性判别法分类器程序。-Under normal conditions two types of two-dimensional correlation of minimum error rate of Bayesian classifier, the minimum risk-based Bayesian classifier, Parzen window meth
- 分别用非参数化谱估计中的直接法,间接法和加窗法对离散随机过程的已零均值化的N个数据样本估计了离散信号的谱密度。-Were non-parametric spectral estimation of the direct method, indirect method and windowing method, discrete stochastic process has zero mean the data of the N-sample estimates of the spectral d
- 本实验目的是了解非参数估计—Parzen窗估计,对表格3中的数据进行Parzen窗估计和设计分类器.Parzen窗方法:假设区间Rn是一个d维的超立方体,hn表示超立方体的边长,体积为Vn=hnd。-Purpose of this study is to understand the non-parametric estimation-Parzen window estimate of the data in Table 3 Parzen window estimate and design c
- Parametric analysis method for knock detection in injection engine
- 模式识别某次课程的作业,完成了高斯分布下的两种贝叶斯分类器,以及非参数的K近邻、Parzen窗方法,采用UCI机器学习数据库中的某些数据作为样本,使用交叉验证方法确定参数-Pattern recognition of a particular course work, completed under the two Gaussian Bayesian classifier, and the non-parametric K-nearest neighbor, Parzen window meth
- 估计功率谱密度的平滑周期图是一种计算简单的经典方法,其主要特点是与任何模型参数无关,是一种非参数化的方法。-Estimated power spectral density is a smooth periodogram simple classical calculation method, the main feature is not related to any model parameter, is a non-parametric methods.
- MATLAB程序,非参数趋势检验方法,并且可以得到倾斜度。-A non-parametric trend test.
- MATLAB Code for Parametric Method of Spectrum estimatin. using Auto Regressive Method, Both levinson Durbin recursion and yule waker method,
- M-K检验程序,对时间序列的非参数检验,检验变异点-MK inspection procedures, the time series of non-parametric test, test point mutation
- A non-parametric method for texture synthesis proposed. The texture synthesis process grows a new image outward from an initial seed, one pixel at a time. A Markov random field model is assumed, and the conditional distribution of a pixel giv
- In pattern recognition, the k-Nearest Neighbors algorithm (or k-NN for short) is a non-parametric method used for classification and regression
- 这是MATLAB中的一个工具箱,bootstrap工具箱,主要是小样本估计总体值的一种非参数方法的集成,在MATLAB中先配置后函数调用。-This is a MATLAB toolbox, bootstrap toolbox, mainly small sample estimation of the overall value of a non parametric method of integration, in the MATLAB configuration function cal