- 实现了中继解码转发的链路级仿真,结果主要为误比特率以及误块率。-Realized the relay decoding forward link-level simulation results for the bit error rate and the main error block rate.
- 用于信道估计的LS算法仿真 我们对基于信道估计的训练序列进行了一个详细的研究,此种训练序列是用在中继节点的转接放大设计上。-we provide a complete study on the training based channel estimation issues for relay networks that employ the amplify-and-forward (AF) transmission scheme.
- Cooperative relaying with Decode and Forward scheme code rate = 1/4 C.C for single-relay case
- a system containing one source, one relay and one destination, the file describe th incremental protocol with Decode and forward.
- relay cooperation and decode and forward
- amplify and farward : code in mtalab that produce figures of BER and SNR for amplify and farxard relay
- My Package contains Matlab Codes for (amplify and forward relay - noise in OFDM - interleaver - and two codes for using relays).
- The channel is modeled by adding the Gaussian noise and Rayleigh Fading. Different combining methods and relaying protocols are studied and compared in this project. We analyzed performance characterizations in terms of The Bit Error Rate and the Thr
- 采用各种不同中继选择方案的译码转发协作传输性能仿真-Decode and Forward Cooperative Transmission Performance Simulation using a variety of relay options
- This program simulate a multi-antenna multi-relay dual-hop amplify and forward relaying system over Nakagami-m fading channels. The output of this function is the outage probability.- This program simulate a multi-antenna multi-relay dual
- This program simulate a multi-antenna multi-relay dual-hop amplify and forward relaying system over Nakagami-m fading channels. The output of this function is the symbol error probability.- This program simulate a multi-antenna multi-rel
- This program simulate a multi-antenna multi-relay dual-hop amplify and forward relaying system over Nakagami-m fading channels. The output of this function is the average channel capacity. clc- This program simulate a multi-antenna multi-
- 高斯信道下的双节点中继选择下的解码转发的研究及其性能分析-Gaussian channel under a two-node relay selection decode forwarding and Its Performance Analysis
- this file contains various combing techniques with amplify and forward relay protocol and decode and forward relay protocol
- Diversity analysis of amplify and forward best relay selection is presented in Matlab
Cooperative relaying with Decode and Forward scheme
- Cooperative relaying with Decode and Forward scheme code rate = 1/4 C.C for single-relay case
- 认知中继网络包括一个主用户发射机和接收机,一个次用户发射机和接收机,以及一个放大转发中继。次用户发射机和中继从自然界获取能量。次用户共享主用户的频带进行数据传送,中继放大转发主用户发射机和次用户发射机的信号。次用户发射机和中继根据获取的能量和数据传送要求控制发射功率。功率控制建模为在能量因果约束、-Cognitive relay network includes a primary user transmitter and receiver, a secondary user transmitt
- An ad-hoc network with a sender, a destination and a third station act- ing as a relay is analysed. The channels are modelled containing thermal noise, Rayleigh fading and path loss. Di® erent combining methods and di- versity protocols are
- 基于PARATUCK2-ALS的中继转发式室内可见光通信系统信道估计(Channel Estimation of Relay-and-Forward Indoor Visible Communication System Based on PARATUCK2-ALS)
- 噪声补偿张量模式的中继转发式室内可见光通信系统信道估计(Channel Estimation of Relay-and-Forward Indoor Visible Communication System with Noise Compensation Tensor Mode)