- Il Bayer Pattern combina un pixel rosso ed uno blu con 2 pixel verdi, ognuno di questi misura la rispettiva luce rossa, blue e verde secondo una scala di valori che va, nel caso di un sensore da 12 bit, da 0 a 4095.
- 基于scala实现的BP多层神经网络源程序,带有测试用例-n implementation in Scala written by Yann Nicolas This Scala implementation of a neural network, allows the execution and the training of a multi-layer perceptron.
- 深度学习各种版本代码,包括C,C++,JAVA,python,scala-many versions of deep learning code,include versions of C,C++,JAVA,python,scala
- scala实现kmeans算法-scala achieve kmeans algorithm
- 使用多个akka actor分布式计算完美平方数-An interesting problem in arithmetic with deep implications to elliptic curve theory is the problem of nding perfect squares that are sums of consecutive squares. use Scala and the actor model to build a good solution
- 高斯迭代和松弛迭代解高阶方程组 输入:系数矩阵阶数,方程组矩阵 输出:两种方法所得的解和相应的迭代次数,以及松弛迭代理想的松弛因子 精度:1.0e-6-Guess-Seidel Iteration and Relaxation Iteration Input:Scala of the coefficient matrix,matrix of the equation set Ouput:the result of the equatio set and times each
- scala脚本编写的深度学习算法,包含有DBN,CNN,CAE,NN,SAE(scala scr ipt prepared by the depth of learning algorithms, including DBN, CNN, CAE, NN, SAE)
- 采用ARIMA模型(自回归积分滑动平均模型)+三次指数平滑法(Holt-Winters),用scala语言实现的在spark平台运行的分布式时间序列预测算法(Using the ARIMA model (autoregressive integral moving average model) + Holt-Winters (Holt-Winters), using scala language to achieve the spark platform to run the distribut
- 利用scala实现的推荐系统,其中用到了hive、kafka、scala等(A recommendation system implemented using Scala, which uses hive, Kafka, Scala and so on)
- DeepLearning 工具包C, C++, Java, phython, scala代码集合,(DeepLearning Toolkit :C, C ++, Java, phython, scala code collection)