- SPHYSICS3D 的前处理程序,可以生成参数文件,与复杂地形的三维散点图。-SPHYSICS3D pre-treatment process, can generate a parameter file, with the complex terrain of the three-dimensional scatter plot.
- 二维SPH前处理程序。可以生成参数文件,与二维散点粒子坐标。-Two-dimensional SPH pre-processing procedures. Parameter file can be generated, and two-dimensional scatter particle coordinates.
- Motion Tracking === === === This tarball contains all code required to run the tracking algorithm on a sequence of images. Run the file run_tracker.m in Matlab and follow the instructions. You will need to have a directory of sequentiall
- This a 16 qam simulink file which can show the scatter plot. useful for students.-This is a 16 qam simulink file which can show the scatter plot. useful for students.
- 共有5个程序,分别是从文件提取散点画球(椭球),散点画压力云图,散点画散点位置及速度分布图,散点画密度分布图,以及从数据文件中提取特定散点的程序,这是一套程序,可对大量散点数据进行处理。-There are five programs, which are extracted from the file powder stippling ball (ellipsoid), scattered cloud pressure stipple, stipple scatter scattered di
- THis file contains codes for ploting scatter plot and eye diagram
- 这是张德丰《MATLAB概率与数理统计分析》随书源码(M文件)。代码包括的内容有:概率分布计算及统计特征、数字特征计算、统计图绘制(盒状图、散度图等)、点估计和区间估计、假设检验、方差分析、曲线拟合、回归分析、因素分析、聚类分析、正交实验设计分析、多元方差分析、判别分析、隐马尔可夫模型建模与参数估计和在语音识别中的应用。-This is Zhang Defeng " MATLAB Analysis of probability and mathematical statistics,&
- this file contain scatter search Algorithm code
- convert s1p format file into xls format file. deduct the reference signal. using the scatter points to do the curve fitting.-convert s1p format file into xls format file. deduct the reference signal. using the scatter points to do the curve fitting
2D_FDTD_cylinder_vector coding
- in this file we incident a plane wave to a cylinder in 2_D and investigate E and H field of scatter.this code is written with vector and it works very faster rather using for loops.
- 和上一个程序类似,也是近场散射数据计算远场的RCS,区别在于这里的数值是三维的一个金属立方体,尺寸为2m,依然是单站。-same as the last .m file,this file can calculate far field data by using the near field scatter data.that s all.
- 假设要分析的数据包括属性age。数据元组的年龄值为(按递增顺序)13、15、16、19、20、20、21、22、22、25、25、25、25、25、30、33、35、35、35、36、40、45、46、52、70。另外,假设一家医院用上述年龄属性对所选样本受试者的年龄和体脂数据进行测试,得到结果,并执行下列操作: 1、将上述数据保存在逗号分隔值文件中。 2、将逗号分隔值文件中的数据读入R中的变量。 3、年龄和脂肪百分比的平均、中等和标准差是多少? 4、这个时代的模式是什么?评论数据的形式(即双峰