- matlab的图像处理,包括直方图,图像变换,模 板(空域滤波图象增强和边缘检测算子的应用)-Matlab image processing, including the histogram, image transformation, templates (spatial filter image enhancement and edge detection operators applications)
- 空间谱估计算法MUSIC算法和Capon算法的性能比较。图像有直方图和圆极化图两种-MUSIC spatial spectrum estimation algorithm and compare the performance of Capon algorithm. Image with histogram and the two circular polarization map
- Image enhancement in spatial domain, the sources include histogram, laplacian, unsharp mask, and spatial filter
- HSV颜色空间较RGB空间更适合人的感官视觉,在HSV空间统计图像的分布特征并用于检索比在RGB空间的效果较好。-HSV color space than RGB space is more suitable for people’s senses of sight, in the HSV spatial statistical distribution of the image and is used to retrieve than in RGB space effective.
- ⑴编程实现直方图均衡化 ⑵设计完成同态滤波器,并用之改善图象质量。 ⑶对某图像加入不同类型﹑不同强度的噪声(周期﹑椒盐噪声),并分别用空间域和频率域的方法抑制噪声。 -⑴ ⑵ programming histogram equalization filter design is completed with the state and used to improve the image quality. ⑶ image of a different intensity with di
- adding noise and removeing point processing drawing histogram histogram equalization histogram matching spatial filtering
- The aim of the assignment is to understand the concept of the image enhancement stage We need to know the technique to improve the image or better input for the image processing technique as in the assignment. In the first part of the assignment is
- 1. Understand Histogram Equalization technique. 2. Practice the combination of several spatial enhancement techniques
- SEG_FUZZY is a soft thresholding method for image segmentation. The method is based on relating each pixel in the image to the different regions via a membership function, rather than through hard decisions. The membership function of each of the reg
- PROJECT 03-01 Image Enhancement Using Intensity Transformations PROJECT 03-02 [Multiple Uses] Histogram Equalization PROJECT 03-03 [Multiple Uses] Spatial Filtering PROJECT 03-04 Enhancement Using the Laplacian PROJECT 03-05 Unsharp
- - Color provide an important clue for extracting the new color LBP histogram features for face recognition using Local Binary Pattern technique. To reduce redundancy RGB color space converted to YCbCr color space. The Local Binary Pattern is a non pa
- mage compression is one of the most important step in image transmission and storage. Most of the state-of-art image compression techniques are spatial based. In this code, a histogram based image compression technique is implemented based on multi-l
- (1)实现图像文件的打开、保存、另存为、打印功能; (2)图像直方图统计和直方图均衡,要求显示直方图统计,比较直方图均衡后的效果; (3)能对图像加入各种常见噪声,并通过几种滤波算法实现去噪并显示结果。比较去噪效果; (4)频谱处理,能够分析图像频谱,显示频谱图; (5)实现空域滤波中的平滑滤波和锐化滤波。((1) realize the image file open, save, save as, print function; (2) histogram statistics a