- 现有一个信号:x(n)=1+cos(π*n/4)+ cos(2*π*n/3)设计及各种数字滤波器以达下列目的: 低通滤波器,滤除cos(2*π*n/3) 的成分,即想保留的成分为1+cos(π*n/4) 高通滤波器,滤除1+cos(π*n/4) 的成分,即想保留的成分为cos(2*π*n/3) 带通滤波器,滤除1+cos(2*π*n/3) 的成分,即想保留的成分为cos(π*n/4) 带阻滤波器,滤除cos(π*n/4) 的成分,即想保留的成分为1+cos(2*π*n/3)
- 电力系统稀疏矩阵计算类,用法范例代码,包括三个目录,MALIB(类),MATEST(使用范例),INCLUDE(*.H),是我编写的电力系统能量管理系统基础类之一.-power system sparse matrix computation, the use of code examples, including the three catalogs, MALIB (type), MATEST (using the example), INCLUDE (*. H), I was prepare
- 求取系统的绝对幅度响应、相对的db值幅度响应、相位响应和群延时响应的函数 % %db为相对振幅(dB) %mag为绝对振幅 %pha为相位响应 %grd为群延时 %w为频率样本点向量 %b为Ha(z)分子多项式系数(对FIR而言,b=h) %a为Hz(z)分母多项式系数(对FIR而言,a=1) %-strike rate system in response to the absolute and relative value range db respons
- 建立routh阵列表的函数,建立胡尔维茨的函数,是判定系统稳定性的很好工具。-routh array of links to establish the function of the establishment of the H-Polynomial function, System stability is convicted of a good tool.
- (VC)Hotel酒店管理系统(4).rar-(VC) Hotel Hotel Management System (4). Rar
- Lyapunov exponent calcullation for ODE-system. The alogrithm employed in this m-file for determining Lyapunov exponents was proposed in A. Wolf, J. B. Swift, H. L. Swinney, and J. A. Vastano, "Determining Lyapunov Exponents from a Time Series," Physi
- 稀疏分量分解。 function [y A]=sparseBSS1(X,L,langda,G,h,delta)-function [y A]=sparseBSS1(X,L,langda,G,h,delta) ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2009-04-15 YangZhicong X: observed signal,each ro
- 头文件 ”time.h” 下的函数: Clocl_t和tine_t都可以将系统的时间和日期标示为长整形。 结构类型 tm 保存分解的日期和时间元素。 Tm的结构定义如下: -Header file " time.h" function under: Clocl_t and tine_t can the system time and date indicated for the long plastic. Decomposition structure type
- 基于方差约束 ,研究一类不确定线性定常随机离散系统的 H ∞滤波问题。提出了一种 鲁棒滤波的新算法 ,该算法克服构造对角矩阵约束性较强- H ∞filtering problem under the constraint of variance was discussed for a class of linear stochastic uncertain system. A new algorithm of robust filter
- its matlab code used for design an Hinf control system
- 信号的DFT和FFT频谱分析,以及对乃奎斯特采样频率的理解练习,对信号分析的朋友很有帮助- For a Linear Frequency Modulation signal,try to analyze its property in frequency domain.Given a system h(t) output.
- simulate in matlab. H inf. Loop Shaping Robust Control vs. Classical PI(D) Control: A case study on the Longitudinal Dynamics of Hezarfen UAV. PI(D) Control System Design.
- 供配电系统的指导书籍,对供配电原件的选择给予指导-Guide books for the distribution system of choice for the distribution of the original guidance
- 基于Matlab H inf 鲁棒控制的设计 简述了 鲁棒控制器的基本思想,给出了运用Matlab鲁棒控制工具箱为假定空间桁架设计 鲁棒控制器的设计过程,同时也给出了控制器作用下闭环系统的分析结果-Robust control based on Matlab H inf robust controller design outlines the basic idea, given the use of Matlab robust control toolbox to assume that
- 扩散系统之浓度分布的装置。管中储放静止液体B,高度为L=10 ㎝,放置于充满A 气体的 环境中。假设与B 液体接触面之浓度为3 C 0 0.01mol m A = ,且此浓度不随时间改变 而改变,即在操作时间内( h = 10天)维持定值。气体A 在液体B 中之扩散系数为 D m s AB = 2×10− 9 2 。试决定以下两种情况下,气体A溶于液体B中之流通量(flux)。 (a) A 与B 不发生反应; (b) A 与B 发生以下之反应 A+ B→
- 磁悬浮系统的H_状态反馈设计Magnetic suspension system H _ state feedback design-Magnetic suspension system H _ state feedback design
- 绍了OFDM技术的基本原理及系统实现,并分析了OFDM系统的优缺点;接着论述了自适应比特功率分配算法的原理和步骤,同时还着重介绍了注水算法,并对该算法进行了实验仿真,进一步论证了该算法是最优的功率分配算法-This thesis introduces the basic principle and implementation of the OFDM system firstly, and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the OFDM
- H无穷鲁棒控制器的一些广义系统建立方法,包括直接建立和利用matlab自带函数建立-Some generalized system H infinity robust controller establishing method, including direct creation and use matlab carrying function to create
- 此程序为硬盘磁头振动问题,采用H无穷方法既减弱了磁头的振动幅值,又增强了系统鲁棒性。(This program uses the H infinite method to reduce the vibration amplitude of the head and enhance the robustness of the system.)
H-infinity controller
- 典型鲁棒系统MATLAB仿真,自动画出吸引域。(MATLAB simulation of typical robust system)