- 来自澳大利亚Qeensland大学的计算机视觉Matlab工具箱。 This Toolbox provides a number of functions that are useful in computer vision, machine vision and related areas. It is a somewhat eclectic collection reflecting the author s personal interest in areas of photo
- The idea is from "The Blur Effect: Perception and Estimation with a New No-Reference Perceptual Blur Metric" Crété-Roffet F., Dolmiere T., Ladret P., Nicolas M. - GRENOBLE - 2007 In SPIE proceedings - SPIE Electronic Imaging Symposium Conf H
- P Corke Machine Vision Toolbox release 2.rar
- The random walker algorithm was introduced in the paper: Leo Grady and Gareth Funka-Lea, "Multi-Label Image Segmentation for Medical Applications Based on Graph-Theoretic Electrical Potentials", in Proceedings of the 8th ECCV04, Workshop on Compute
- a C++ implementation of the stereo and image restoration algorithms described in the paper: Efficient Belief Propagation for Early Vision Pedro F. Felzenszwalb and Daniel P. Huttenlocher International Journal of Computer Vision, Vol. 70, No
- icaam, G. Papandreou and P. Maragos, Adaptive and Constrained Algorithms for Inverse Compositional Active Appearance Model Fitting, Proc. IEEE Int l Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR-2008), Anchorage, AL, June 2008.
- Feature Extraction In Computer Vision And Image Processing by Mark S Nixon-Feature Extraction In Computer Vision And Image Processing by Mark S Nixon
- 对HARQ系统的吞吐量分析,做视觉测量的上位机代码,计算时间和二维直方图。- HARQ throughput analysis of the system, Do Vision Measurement P