- 基于Volterra滤波器混沌时间序列多步预测 作者:陆振波,海军工程大学 欢迎同行来信交流与合作,更多文章与程序下载请访问我的个人主页 电子邮件:luzhenbo@sina.com 个人主页:luzhenbo.88uu.com.cn 参考文献: 1、张家树.混沌时间序列的Volterra自适应预测.物理学报.2000.03 2、Scott C.Douglas, Teresa H.-Y. Meng, Normalized Data Nonlineariti
- %For reference on gradient method: S.Hayking, K.Huber, %and Z.Chen, \"Bayesian Sequential State Estimation for %MIMO Wireless Communiations\", Proceedings of the IEEE, %Vol.92, no.3, pp. 439, March 2004.
- These Simulink blocks contain transfer functions that model the pressure and flow transients for axisymmetric 2D viscous flow of a compressible fluid in a straight rigid circular cross section pipelines. Three models are available: (1) pressure
- H.S.Park, D-S.Kim, and W.H.Kwon \"A Scheduling Method for Network-based Control Systems\", IEEE Transaction on Control System Technology, Vol.10, No.3, pp. 318-330, May, 2002 (Simulation Example 1- Matlab Code)
- 用于求解约束优化问题的算法,算法为差分进化/遗传算法/微粒群算法的融合。对于“[7] T. P. Runarsson and X. Yao, Stochastic ranking for constrained evolutionary optimization, IEEE Trans. Evol. Comput., vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 284-294, Sep. 2000”中给出的13个标准测试函数,均能得到问题最优解。如有任何疑问,请于http://2shi.phphube
- TFBSS是一种基于短时傅里叶时频分析的盲源分离算法,算法基于卷积混合。处理非平稳源信号。-TFBSS performs Blind Source Separation of (over)determined multiplicative mixtures of non-stationary real valued sources. TFBSS is based on the joint-diagonalization of whitened and noise-compensated
- The zip file contains several matlab files. These files implement the optimal vlassifier (optimal_classifier.m), a sub-optimal classifier (SOS_STBC_Classifier.m) which is based on Second Order Statistic and a low-complexity sub optimal code-p
- 无监督混合高斯模型(GMM)的EM估计,含两篇IEEE论文的源码-This is a set of MATLAB m-files implementing the mixture fitting algorithm described in the paper M. Figueiredo and A.K.Jain, "Unsupervised learning of finite mixture models", IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analys
- A timing error detector for Communication systems with simulink. # Required versions Matlab 5.2.1, Simulink 2.2.1 # File descr iption 1. ti_det1.m (simulink version 5.2.1) An s-function to be used for timing detector. For detailed i
- ECG wave generator Algorithm is based in part on the journal article: Ruha, Antti and Seppo Nissila, "A Real-Time Microprocessor QRS Detector System with a 1-ms Timing Accuracy for the Measurement of Ambulatory HRV", IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. Vol.
- 基于特征分裂(CBS)算法,提出一种适用于具有运动边界的不可压缩黏性流动问题的有限元求解程序。来源于Zienkiewicz&Taylor的经典著作Finite_Element_Method Vol.3-A Characteristic Based Split-FEM Solver for Incompressible Viscous Flow
- This code implements the High-Resolution Frequency Estimation algorithm in the following paper Shaw, A. K., “Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Multiple Frequencies with Constraints to Guarantee Unit Circle Roots,” IEEE Transactions on S
- IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN), Vol. 3, Issue 4 (April. 2013), ||V2 || PP 37-53
- SSL(Semi-Supervised Learning) with GRF: Implementation of Label Propagation Algorithm introduced in, Zhu, Xiaojin, Zoubin Ghahramani, and John Lafferty. Semi-supervised learning using gaussian fields and harmonic functions. ICML. Vol. 3. 2003. (Origi
- 双摆是一种扭力摆,可用于实验测量测试对象的质量惯性矩。典型的应用是测量飞机,特别是小型无人机(UAV)的质量惯性矩。该模型对应于以下文章中讨论的模型: Jardin,M.,Mueller,E.,“Optimized Measurements of Unmanned Air Vehicle Mass Moment of Inertia with a Bifilar Pendulum”,Journal of Aircraft,Vol。46,No. 3,May-June 2009,pp。763-
- Econometric Reviews, Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 245-296, 2012.