- 本程序用NetLogo开放,模拟行人流。为本人亲字编程。-the procedures used NetLogo open simulated flow. I affinity for the word programming.
- ************************************************************************ * * * * * THIS IS THE H Y P L A S 2.0 README FILE * * ----------------- * * * * HYPLAS is a finite element program for implicit small and large * * strain analisys of hyperelast
- tsp遗传算法的实现,以前的作业,希望大家喜欢-Genetic Algorithm tsp realize, before the operation, I hope everyone likes
- 先说说什么叫稀疏矩阵。你说,这个问题很简单吗,那你一定不知道中国学术界的嘴皮子仗,对一个字眼的“抠”将会导致两种相反的结论。这是清华2000年的一道考研题:“表示一个有1000个顶点,1000条边的有向图的邻接矩阵有多少个矩阵元素?是否稀疏矩阵?”如果你是个喜欢研究出题者心理活动的人,你可以看出这里有两个陷阱,就是让明明会的人答错,我不想说出是什么,留给读者思考-First talk about what is meant by sparse matrix. You said that the
- End point detection" I implemented an algorithm for detecting start and end point of the word sequence in speech. In this way the Rabiner method, used to perform this work
- 继续地被总计的一个走廊中有 n 锁柜从 1 对 n。最初,所有的锁柜门被关闭。你制造锁柜的 n 途径,每次出发与锁柜#1.在 ith 途径上, i = 1,2, .。。, n,你拨动每 ith 锁柜的门:如果门被关闭,你打开它,如果它是公开,你关它。举例来说,在第一的个途径每扇门之后是公开;在第二途径上你唯一的拨动偶数锁柜 (#2, #4, ...) 以便在第二途径之后,平坦的门被关闭,而且奇数的被打开;第三次经过你结束锁柜#3(从第一途径打开)的门,打开锁柜#6(关闭从第二途径)的门,等等。在
- Suppose there is a X x Y x Z 3D matrix A of numbers having coordinates (i, j, k) where 0 ≤ i < X, 0 ≤ j < Y, 0 ≤ k < Z. Now another X x Y x Z matrix B is defined from A such that the (i, j, k) element of B is the sum of all the the numbers i
- 这是我自己写的一个基于huffman编码的软件,有进度条。支持word和txt-This is what I had written a software-based huffman encoding, a progress bar. Support word and txt
- 这是我们上有限元程序这门课的时候,老师给我们的一个有限元程序,计算杆或梁的受力分析,包括完整的程序,感觉很详细,还有例子用word说明。-This is the course on the finite element program, the teacher gave us a finite element program to calculate pole or beam stress analysis, including the complete program, I feel in g
- topcoder 694题目3 Strange abbreviations are often used to write text messages on uncomfortable mobile devices. One particular strategy for encoding texts composed of alphabetic characters and spaces is the following: Spaces are maintained, and ea
- 编写一个自己的函数,能够将一个字符串中最长的单词查找出来。 编写一个程序,功能是能够由键盘输入一行字符,并能调用自己编写的最长单词查找函数,输出这个单词。 -To write a function, can be the longest word in a string to find. Write a program that functions from the keyboard to input a line of characters, and can call the long
- *这份词表包括23419个汉语情感词。格式为“词语\t极性值” *极性值正负分别代表情感正负,其算法和原理尚未整理成文,谨供各位研究者参考。 *更为成熟的词表和文档将随着研究的跟进逐渐公开。 *有任何指教请跟我联系。 *yuanb10 # mails # tsinghua # edu # cn * ^_^ *清华大学中文系 原博-* The vocabulary includes 23419 Chinese emotional words. The format for
- Here i give the matlab program for finding the fft of a voice signal
- It will zoom the i/p image
- 全书共23章,分为7篇。基础篇介绍了MATLAB基础、数组和矩阵分析、字符串分析;科学运算篇介绍了MATLAB数据分析、积分和微分运算、概率和数理统计、符号计算;数据可视化篇介绍了二维和三维数据的可视化;编程篇介绍了MATLAB基本编程、程序调试和编程技巧;仿真篇介绍了Simulink基本知识、Simulink建模和S-函数;高级应用篇介绍了GUI编程开发、GUIDE工具建立GUI界面、文件夹管理和文件I/O操作、MATLAB编译器;工具箱与接口编程篇介绍了信号处理、小波分析、图像处理、神经网络
- JAVA实现简单客服的机器人系统,分词用系统用IK分词,机器人语言用AIML。程序已经实现java socket服务的建立。实现了中文分词,同义词输出,答案匹配。用到的库有IK、program-ab。搞了一个月的小成果,希望大家能用到。-JAVA simple customer service robotic systems, word by word IK systems, robot language with AIML. Procedures have been implemented t
- 用哈希表实现一个拼写检查器spellchecker,给定一个字典, 输入一个文本后,输出拼写有误的单词,并给出用户可能想要表达的正确的单词- In this project, you ll build a hash table and see an example of hashing in action. Many applications, including word processors, text editors, and email clients, include a sp
- 本人通过MATLAB编写的代码,用于图像识别和语音识别,基于端点检测和基于temp和temp1的孤立词识别和连续语音识别,是我的毕设代码。 -I have written the code in MATLAB for image recognition and speech recognition, endpoint detection and isolated word recognition and continuous speech recognition based on temp
- 本人通过MATLAB编写的代码,用于图像识别和语音识别,基于端点检测和基于NqgBFv和yYgMJmy的孤立词识别和连续语音识别,是我的毕设代码。 -I have written the code in MATLAB for image recognition and speech recognition, endpoint detection and isolated word recognition and continuous speech recognition based onNq
- 本人通过MATLAB编写的代码,用于图像识别和语音识别,基于端点检测和基于ZHPUPk和sdYBVIl的孤立词识别和连续语音识别,是我的毕设代码。 -I have written the code in MATLAB for image recognition and speech recognition, endpoint detection and isolated word recognition and continuous speech recognition based onZH