- This a very simple Yee algorithm 3D FDTD code in C implementing the free space form of Maxwell s equations on a Cartesian grid. There are no internal materials or geometry. The code as delivered simulates an idealized rectangular waveguide by treatin
- 介绍了时域有限差分(FDTD)法的基本原理,推导了二维TM模Yee算法的FDFD表达式,并结合算例阐述了基于MATLAB编程的基本方法-on the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method to the basic principles Derivation of 2D TM mode Yee's theorem expression, and explained with examples based on MATLAB programm
- YEE+FDTD原代码,非常实用,有参考价值
- 外国人开发的电磁时域有限差分方法工具包 Electromagnetic Finite-Difference Time-Domain (EmFDTD) is a basic two-dimensional FDTD code developed at the School of Electrical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology. This code has been written based on th
- 广州力麒排队机系统的数据结构描述,这份文档是2008年的排队机数据表结构。如果做第三方开发这个是很有用的。-Guangzhou Li Yee Queue data structure described in the system, this document is the 2008 data table structure Queue. If third-party developers to do this would be very useful.
- this file is yee method to simulation of plane wave propagation
- 电磁波Yee Cell FDTD交错网格场量位置示意图 画图程序 TE 波TM波 TEM波都有-Yee Cell FDTD electromagnetic field quantity staggered grid position diagram drawing program TE, TM waves are TEM wave
- 介绍了时域有限差分(FDTD) 法的基本原理, 推导了二维TM 模Yee 算法的FDFD 表达式, 并结合算例阐述了基于MA TLAB 编程的基本方法。-The basic p rincip le of FDTD w as introduced and the 22D TM mode FDTD arithmetic expression was derived. The p rogramm ing method based onMA TLAB w as illustrated w ith exa
- 二维FDTD程序,在Yee元胞中,实现二维电磁波传播-2D FDTD program, Yee cell, two-dimensional electromagnetic wave propagation
- This MATLAB M-file implements the finite-difference time-domain solution of Maxwell s curl equations over a three-dimensional Cartesian space lattice comprised of uniform cubic grid cells. Each unit cell within the Yee lattice contains electric fi
- this program generate 1D and 2D plane wave and apply Yee algorithm without dielectric
- 3D cubic-cell yee space lattice with simple outer boundary conditions (PEC sheets). the time-step relation cdt=d/sqrt(3)
- the use of matlab for signal processing using the finite difference time domain method, implementation og Yee and maxwell equations
- 模拟三维maxwell方程,边界条件是PEC,数值方法是YEE格式,能够动态展示空间内部电磁场变化情况,四维动画。(The three-dimensional Maxwell equation is simulated. The boundary condition is PEC, and the numerical method is YEE. It can dynamically display the variation of the electromagnetic field insid