- 这是翻阅《数据结构、算法与应用——C++语言描述》 以及在网上得到的一些资料后写出来的。起因是在项目中要用到一个链表,但我做一个简单的链表在C++中用的时候跟C差别很多,比如赋值运算(编译器说要做操作符重载,或者考贝构造函数,C++中把结构当成一个类来看了,详见相关介绍的文档或书籍)。后来一想干脆做个template顺便学习一下,一举两得。-read "data structures, algorithms and applications -- Descr iption Langua
- ACM校内赛的讲义,里面详细介绍了在ACM竞赛中常用的算法和思想,以及编程基础知识,里面含有例题讲解,以及习题,实验-ACM campus race handout, which details the algorithms used in the ACM contests and ideas, as well as programming the basics, which contains examples to explain, as well as exercises, experime
- 一个全排列算法的实现,利用了C++模板技术以及STL 中的 Vector-A full array of implementation algorithms, using the C++ template technology and STL in the Vector
- 利用STL提供的容器和算法,对数组里的三个数倒序输出。-Provided by the use of STL containers and algorithms, of the array in reverse order of the three the number of output.
- The Standard Template Library, or STL, is a C++ library of container classes, algorithms, and iterators it provides many of the basic algorithms and data structures of computer science. The STL is a generic library, meaning that its components are he
- 用MATLAB编写遗传算法程序源代码 全部为m文件,可以直接在MATLAB里运行-Procedures for the preparation of genetic algorithms using MATLAB source code for all the m files, to run directly in MATLAB
- Aims of this book The book has two aims. As a technical reference, the reference document mentioned earlier is hardly suited to explain the concepts of the STL. Therefore, the first aim is to present how the STL can be used in a sensible way. I
- 本书对C++ STL进行了全面而深入的阐述。 STL(标准模板库)是在惠普实验室中开发的,已纳入ANSI/ISO C++标准。其中的代码采用模板类及模板函数的方式,可以极大地提高编程效率。本书由P.J. Plauger等四位对C++ STL的实现有着卓越贡献的大师撰写,详细讨论了C++ STL的各个部分。 全书分为16章,其中的13章通过背景知识、功能描述、头文件代码、测试程序和习题,分别讲述了C++ STL中的13个头文件,其他章节介绍了STL中广泛涉及的三个主题--迭代器、算法和容器