背包问题分枝界限算法的源代码 其中包括背包容量、下限、剩余容量、当前价值之和
等-Branch-and-bound algorithm for knapsack problem of the source code including backpack capacity, the lower limit, the remaining capacity, the current value and so on
一般背包问题的贪心算法 Dijkstra算法求解单源最短路径问题 N皇后问题 Prim算法 Kruskal算法代码-The general knapsack problem greedy algorithm Dijkstra' s algorithm for single-source shortest path algorithm N Queen' s problem Kruskal Algorithm Prim code
这是算法设计与分析课程实验,动态规划的源程序。包含最长上升子序列,最长公共子序列,最大字段和问题,DP背包问题-This is a test algorithm design and analysis programs, dynamic programming source code. Rising sequence containing the longest, longest common subsequence, maximum field and problems, DP knapsac
这是算法设计与分析课程实验,回溯算法实验的简单的源代码,包括回溯法背包问题,回溯符号问题。-This is the algorithm design and analysis course experiment, the experiment simple backtracking algorithm source code, including backtracking knapsack problem, the problem back symbol.
0-1背包问题源代码 用于算法设计的,数据结构的必要问题-0-1 knapsack problem of the source code for the algorithm design, data structures necessary to issue
这个包括了 ACM比赛中 经常会用到的动态递归算法的一些经典例题,例如背包问题,最长公共子序列等的源代码-This includes the classic example of the dynamic recursive algorithm is often used in the ACM competition, such as the knapsack problem, the longest common subsequence such as source code
使用C语言编写的背包问题之贪婪算法求解源代码 -Greedy algorithm using C language source code for solving the knapsack problem
大学算法课上的大作业,包含残缺棋盘游戏问题、0/1背包问题、高速缓存调度问题、旅行商问题、流水作业调度问题等等若干问题,有完整源代码、结果截屏、时间复杂性分析-University algorithm class project, including the imperfect board game, 0/1 knapsack problem, the cache scheduling problem, traveling salesman problem, line production sc