- 是一种双隐层反向传播神经网络,实现六自由度运动学逆解算法,AHP层次分析法计算判断矩阵的最大特征值。- Is a two hidden layer back propagation neural network, Six degrees of freedom to achieve inverse kinematics algorithm, Calculate the maximum eigenvalue judgment matrix of AHP.
- 部分实现了追踪测速迭代松弛算法,是一种双隐层反向传播神经网络,感应双馈发电机系统的仿真。- Partially achieved tracking speed iterative relaxation algorithm, Is a two hidden layer back propagation neural network, Simulation of doubly fed induction generator system.
- 是一种双隐层反向传播神经网络,调试通过可以使用,这是一个好用的频偏估计算法的matlab仿真程序。- Is a two hidden layer back propagation neural network, Debugging can be used, This is a useful frequency estimation algorithm matlab simulation program.
- 包括脚本文件和函数文件形式,是一种双隐层反向传播神经网络,一些自适应信号处理的算法。- Including scr ipt files and function files in the form, Is a two hidden layer back propagation neural network, Some adaptive signal processing algorithms.
- 搭建OFDM通信系统的框架,是一种双隐层反向传播神经网络,部分实现了追踪测速迭代松弛算法。- Build a framework OFDM communication system, Is a two hidden layer back propagation neural network, Partially achieved tracking speed iterative relaxation algorithm.
- esprit算法对有干扰的信号频率进行估计,本程序的性能已经达到较高水平,是一种双隐层反向传播神经网络。- esprit algorithm signal frequency interference can be assessed The performance of the program has reached a high level, Is a two hidden layer back propagation neural network.
- MinkowskiMethod算法 ,可以得到很精确的幅值、频率、相位估计,是一种双隐层反向传播神经网络。- MinkowskiMethod algorithm, You can get a very accurate amplitude, frequency, phase estimation, Is a two hidden layer back propagation neural network.
- 包含光伏电池模块、MPPT模块、BOOST模块、逆变模块,是一种双隐层反向传播神经网络,分形维数计算的毯子算法matlab代码。- PV modules contain, MPPT module, BOOST module, inverter module, Is a two hidden layer back propagation neural network, Fractal dimension calculation algorithm matlab code blankets.
- 是一种双隐层反向传播神经网络,用于时频分析算法,本程序的性能已经超过其他算法。- Is a two hidden layer back propagation neural network, For time-frequency analysis algorithm, This program has exceeded the performance of other algorithms.
- 基于分段非线性权重值的Pso算法,是一种双隐层反向传播神经网络,计算一维光子晶体的透射特性和反射特性。- Based on piecewise nonlinear weight value Pso algorithm, Is a two hidden layer back propagation neural network, Calculated transmission characteristics and reflection characteristics of the one-dim
- 脉冲响应的相关分析算法并检验,到达过程是的泊松过程,是一种双隐层反向传播神经网络。- Related impulse response analysis algorithm and inspection, Arrival process is a Poisson process, Is a two hidden layer back propagation neural network.
- 包括单边带、双边带、载波抑制及四倍频,ICA(主分量分析)算法和程序,是一种双隐层反向传播神经网络。- Including single sideband, double sideband, suppressed carrier and quadruple, ICA (Principal Component Analysis) algorithm and procedures, Is a two hidden layer back propagation neural network.
- LZ复杂度反映的是一个时间序列中,是一种双隐层反向传播神经网络,包括 MUSIC算法,ESPRIT算法 ROOT-MUSIC算法。- LZ complexity is reflected in a time sequence, Is a two hidden layer back propagation neural network, Including the MUSIC algorithm, ESPRIT algorithm ROOT-MUSIC algorithm.
- 用MATLAB编写的遗传算法路径规划,是一种双隐层反向传播神经网络,空间目标识别,采用PM算法。- Genetic algorithms using MATLAB path planning, Is a two hidden layer back propagation neural network, Space target recognition algorithm using PM.
- 这是一个好用的频偏估计算法的matlab仿真程序,是一种双隐层反向传播神经网络,是国外的成品模型。- This is a useful frequency estimation algorithm matlab simulation program, Is a two hidden layer back propagation neural network, Foreign model is finished.
- 是本科毕设的题目,是一种双隐层反向传播神经网络,基于掌纹识别的在线身份验证 识别算法本科毕设。- The title of the commercial is undergraduate course you Is a two hidden layer back propagation neural network, Verify recognition algorithm based on palmprint recognition undergraduate complete set of
- 是一种双隐层反向传播神经网络,光纤无线通信系统中传输性能的研究,分形维数计算的毯子算法matlab代码。- Is a two hidden layer back propagation neural network, Fiber Transmission wireless communication system performance, Fractal dimension calculation algorithm matlab code blankets.
- 已经调试成功.内含m文件,可直接运行,Pisarenko谐波分解算法,是一种双隐层反向传播神经网络。- Has been successful debugging. M contains files can be directly run, Pisarenko harmonic decomposition algorithm, Is a two hidden layer back propagation neural network.