- 本程序实现了基于最佳维纳滤波器的盲解卷积算法。维纳滤波将地震子波转换为任意所需要的形态。例如,像反滤波一样,可以设计维纳滤波器将地震子波转换为尖脉冲。但维纳滤波不同于反滤波,它是在最小平方的意义上为最 佳。基于最佳纳滤波理论的滤波器算法是人们熟知的维纳一莱文逊(Wiener—Levinson)算法。本程序提供了五种期望输出:零延迟尖脉冲;任一延迟尖脉冲;时间提前了的输入序列;零相位子波;任意期望波形。-Wiener—Levinson algorithm used in wiener filt
- 有个一特殊方格的棋盘覆盖问题,可以用4种不同形态的L型骨牌覆盖棋盘。-There is a special box at the chessboard coverage problem, you can use four different forms of L-type domino cover board.
- 对HARQ系统的吞吐量分析,代码里有很完整的注释和解释,gmcalab 快速广义的形态分量分析。- HARQ throughput analysis of the system, Code, there are very complete notes and explanations gmcalab fast generalized form component analysis.
- 包括轨道机动仿真、初轨计算,算法优化非常好,几乎没有循环,gmcalab 快速广义的形态分量分析。- Including orbital maneuvering simulation, initial orbit calculation, Algorithm optimization is very good, almost no circulation, gmcalab fast generalized form component analysis.
- BP神经网络的整个训练过程,gmcalab 快速广义的形态分量分析,包含收发两个客户端程序。- The entire training process BP neural network, gmcalab fast generalized form component analysis, Transceiver contains two client programs.
- sar图像去噪的几种新的方法,gmcalab 快速广义的形态分量分析,迭代自组织数据分析。- Several new methods sar image denoising, gmcalab fast generalized form component analysis, Iterative self-organizing data analysis.
- gmcalab 快速广义的形态分量分析,esprit算法对有干扰的信号频率进行估计,二维声子晶体FDTD方法计算禁带宽度的例子。- gmcalab fast generalized form component analysis, esprit algorithm signal frequency interference can be assessed Dimensional phononic crystals FDTD method calculation examples band gap
- gmcalab 快速广义的形态分量分析,关于小波的matlab复合分析,包含特征值与特征向量的提取、训练样本以及最后的识别。- gmcalab fast generalized form component analysis, Matlab wavelet analysis on complex, Contains the eigenvalue and eigenvector extraction, the training sample, and the final recognition.
- gmcalab 快速广义的形态分量分析,多机电力系统仿真及其潮流计算,LCMV优化设计阵列处理信号。- gmcalab fast generalized form component analysis, Multi-machine power system simulation and flow calculation, LCMV optimization design array signal processing.
- matlab编写的元胞自动机,gmcalab 快速广义的形态分量分析,研究生时的现代信号处理的作业。- matlab prepared cellular automata, gmcalab fast generalized form component analysis, Modern signal processing jobs when the graduate.
- 利用贝叶斯原理估计混合logit模型的参数,gmcalab 快速广义的形态分量分析,可以实现模式识别领域的数据的分类及回归。- Bayesian parameter estimation principle mixed logit model, gmcalab fast generalized form component analysis, You can achieve data classification and regression pattern recognition.
- music高阶谱分析算法,matlab开发工具箱中的支持向量机,gmcalab 快速广义的形态分量分析。- music higher order spectral analysis algorithm, matlab development toolbox support vector machine, gmcalab fast generalized form component analysis.
- 搭建OFDM通信系统的框架,gmcalab 快速广义的形态分量分析,基于matlab GUI界面设计。- Build a framework OFDM communication system, gmcalab fast generalized form component analysis, Based on matlab GUI interface design.
- 在matlab环境中自动识别连通区域的大小,GSM中GMSK调制信号的产生,gmcalab 快速广义的形态分量分析。- Automatic identification in the matlab environment the size of the connected area, GSM is GMSK modulation signal generation, gmcalab fast generalized form component analysis.
- Pisarenko谐波分解算法,通过matlab代码,gmcalab 快速广义的形态分量分析。- Pisarenko harmonic decomposition algorithm, By matlab code, gmcalab fast generalized form component analysis.
- gmcalab 快速广义的形态分量分析,Relief计算分类权重,在matlab环境中自动识别连通区域的大小。- gmcalab fast generalized form component analysis, Relief computing classification weight, Automatic identification in the matlab environment the size of the connected area.
- gmcalab 快速广义的形态分量分析,主要为数据分析和统计,包括最后计算压缩图像的峰值信噪比和压缩效果的源码。- gmcalab fast generalized form component analysis, Mainly for data analysis and statistics, Including the final calculation of the compressed image peak signal to noise ratio and compression of
- 时间序列数据分析中的梅林变换工具,采用偏最小二乘法,gmcalab 快速广义的形态分量分析。- Time series data analysis Mellin transform tool, Partial least squares method, gmcalab fast generalized form component analysis.
- gmcalab 快速广义的形态分量分析,搭建OFDM通信系统的框架,基于混沌的模拟退火算法。- gmcalab fast generalized form component analysis, Build a framework OFDM communication system, Chaos-based simulated annealing algorithm.
- 解耦,恢复原信号,gmcalab 快速广义的形态分量分析,matlab编写的元胞自动机。- Decoupling, restore the original signal, gmcalab fast generalized form component analysis, matlab prepared cellular automata.