- This library defines basic operation on polynomials, and contains also 3 different roots (zeroes)-finding methods that can handle quite large polynomials (>1000 coefs) Implemented in ANSI C++ Templates. Handles all real and complex floating p
- This program contains the iterative methods of finding solutions of the equation f(x)=0, which are also known as the roots of the equation f(x)=0 The methods are: -bisection -false position -newton raphson -secant
- In numerical analysis, Newton s method (also known as the Newton–Raphson method), named after Isaac Newton and Joseph Raphson, is a method for finding successively better approximations to the roots (or zeroes) of a real-valued function. The algorith
- finding roots by search method
- 牛顿法的matlab程序。该函数是用牛顿法求根的迭代方法。-Newton method matlab program. The function is an iterative method for finding roots of Newton method.
- general bisection method for finding the roots.
- GNU Scientific Library (GSL) 是一个用于科学计算的 C 语言类库。有超过1000个函数。 该类库提供了关于数学计算的很多方面,包括: Complex Numbers Roots of Polynomials Special Functions Vectors and Matrices Permutations Sorting BLAS Support Linear Algebra Eigensystems Fast Fourier
- MATLAB语言常用算法程序集,包含了插值、函数逼近、矩阵特征值计算、数值微分和积分、方程求根、非线性方程组求解、特殊函数计算、常微分方程和偏微分方程的数值解法、以及数据统计和分析等等。-MATLAB language commonly used algorithm for assembly, including interpolation, function approximation, eigenvalue calculations, numerical differentiation an
- Qt写的一个计算器,很不错。主要用到的算法有:后缀式表达式求值、部分选主元高斯消去法求阶梯矩阵,(非)线性方程组等、分段求大整数开方、初等相似变换及QR方法计算全部特征值、反幂法求最大特征值、遗传算法求复系数多项式所有根等。-Qt to write a calculator, very good. The main use of algorithm: the postfix expression evaluation, part of the pivoting Gauss elimination
- 数值分析/数值计算程序,包括差值、拟合、积分、微分、线性方程组求解、非线性方程求根、常微分方程求解、偏微分方程求解、特征值求解,适合入门参考-Numerical analysis/numerical calculation procedures, including the difference, fitting, integral, differential, linear equations, finding roots of nonlinear equations, ordinary di
- Newton s method for finding successively better approximations to the roots (or zeroes) of a real-valued function.
- sgu261:Discrete Roots(原根+离散对数+扩展欧几里得) 题目大意: 给你两个质数p,k,和整数a(0≤a<p),求解所有满足x^k≡a(mod p)的x。-261. Discrete Roots time limit per test: 1 sec. memory limit per test: 65536 KB input: standard output: standard There are a lot of