- 矩阵中的每一个元素称为像元、像素或图像元素。而g(i, j)代表(i, j)点的灰度值,即亮度值。 由于g (i, j)代表该点图像的光强度(亮度),而光是能量的一种形式,故g (i, j)必须大于零,且为有限值,即: 0<=g (i, j)<2n。 用g (i, j)的数值来表示(i, j)位置点上灰度级值的大小,即只反映了黑白灰度的关系。 数字化采样一般是按正方形点阵取样的, -each of the matrix elements known as a pixel, pixe
opencv to matlab
- cvlib_mex is a collection (over two dozens) of matlab callable routines from the the OpenCV library (www.intel.com/research/mrl/research/opencv/). OpenCV is a real time computer vision library with many image processing capabilities and it is amaz
opencv to matlab
- cvlib_mex is a collection (over two dozens) of matlab callable routines from the the OpenCV library (www.intel.com/research/mrl/research/opencv/). OpenCV is a real time computer vision library with many image processing capabilities and it is amaz
- ************************************************************************ * * * * * THIS IS THE H Y P L A S 2.0 README FILE * * ----------------- * * * * HYPLAS is a finite element program for implicit small and large * * strain analisys of hyperelast
- 几种数值代数中求解线性方程组的方法,包括雅克比,G-S,超松弛等,Several numerical linear algebra to solve equations, including Jacobi, GS, such as over-relaxation
- Monte Carlo 风险分析 工具-RiskSim provides random number generator functions as inputs for your model, automates Monte Carlo simulation, and creates charts. Your spreadsheet model may include various uncontrollable uncertainties as input assumptions (e
- 1-9数字填入三个分式的a-i中,使a/bc+d/ef+g/hi=1成立-1-9 the number of fill in the three fraction of ai, so that a/bc+ d/ef+ g/hi = 1 to set up
- 对应分析correspondence analysis(ANACOR) [G,F,A]=ANACOR(X),X为原始数据 p X n维 即有n个样本,每个样本由p个变量来描述。返回F为R型因子分析后的结果,Q为最后的结果,A=ZZ 。-Correspondence analysis correspondence analysis (ANACOR) [G, F, A] = ANACOR (X), X for the original data p X n that is n-dimension
- GMP是计算任意精度的数学库, 包括支持整数,有理数和浮点. GMP包括大量的接口函数.-GMP is a free library for arbitrary precision arithmetic, operating on signed integers, rational numbers, and floating point numbers. There is no practical limit to the precision except the ones implied by
- Given a graph G = (V, E), where every edge e has a nonnegative weight w(e), and a source vertex s in V, find the shortest path from s to every other vertex-Given a graph G = (V, E), where every edge e has a nonnegative weight w(e), and a source verte
- This program evaluates mathematical expressions to output a single number e.g. 1+1 will give 2. It can handle brackets indices and modulation(rounding) as well and ordinary operators.
- 地球物理中的G-S变换,电磁场频率域变换到时间域。-Geophysics in the GS transformation, electromagnetic frequency domain transform to the time domain.
- lgo2-1.c C program for implementing Algorithm 2.1 Algorithm translated to C by: Dr. Norman Fahrer IBM and Macintosh verification by: Daniel Mathews NUMERICAL METHODS: C Programs, (c) John H. Mathews 1995 To accompany the text: NUME
- A set (e.g. an image) is called "fractal" if it displays self-similarity: it can be split into parts, each of which is (at least approximately) a reduced-size copy of the whole. A possible characterisation of a fractal set is provided by the "box-
- GMP是The GNU MP Bignum Library,是一个开源的数学运算库,它可以用于任意精度的数学运算,包括有符号整数、有理数和浮点数。它本身并没有精度限制,只取决于机器的硬件情况。-GMP is a free library for arbitrary precision arithmetic, operating on signed integers, rational numbers, and floating point numbers. There is no practic
- 生成LDPC校验矩阵H和生成矩阵G的C语言程序-failed to translate
- program to demonstrate the operation of a genetic algorithm. From randomly generated population of real numbers, attempts to find a number arbitrarily close to a goal real number- program to demonstrate the operation of a genetic algorithm.
- 本程序为G-S迭代法,若系数矩阵满足 1.G-S迭代矩阵谱半径小于一 2.jacobi迭代矩阵一范数或无穷范数小于一 3.系数矩阵A正定 4.系数矩阵A严格对角占优或不可约对角占优 则可返回A*x=b的解。算法迭代次数比 x=M*x+g形式的标准化迭代次数多,但所用时间少很多。-The program for the G-S iteration method, if the coefficient matrix 1.G-S iterative matrix spect
- 本书详细介绍了格子波尔兹曼法的原理,边界条件,具体模型及数值方法,非常适合学习与应用。(This book introduce the theory of lattice boltzmann methods alone with it's boundary conditions,models and numerical methods. It's really a book for us to learn and use.)
- 该文件内容用于相空间重构参数时间延迟和嵌入维数的计算,时间延迟的计算包含去偏复自相关函数法和互信息法,嵌入维数的甲酸包含G-P算法和FNN算法。(The contents of this file are used to calculate the time delay and embedding dimension of phase space reconstruction parameters. The calculation of time delay includes depolariz