- 利用Matlab求解带有时间延迟的Mackey-Glass系统,在非线性动力学中经常用到。可以用来求解类似的延迟微分方程系统。-using Matlab time delay with the Mackey-Glass Systems, Nonlinear Dynamics frequently used. Can be used to solve the differential equation similar to the delayed system.
- 用指数龙格库塔方法求解时滞(延迟)微分方程!,Using index method Runge-Kutta time-delay (delay) differential equations!
- 应用改进的CC法求取时间延迟和嵌入维数,效果不错-The modified CC method to strike a time delay and embedding dimension, good results
- 气体分子在分子流态下经过方管时延管壁的相对入射密度分布-Gas molecules under molecular flow through the side wall of tube time delay density distribution of the relative incidence
- gawk脚本。用于计算端到端的平均时延。-average time delay from point to point
- 几个天体物理上拥有的程序,如时间延迟的计算、相关性分析等。-Astrophysics has on several programs, such as time delay calculations, correlation analysis.
- 时间序列的相空间重构延迟时间和嵌入维数的CC算法-Time series analysis CC algorithm for delay time and embedding dimension
- C-C method 计算混沌系统相空间重构的嵌入维数和时间延迟-CC Method to calculate the phase space reconstruction of chaotic systems embedding dimension and time delay
- 关于高阶累积量时延估计方法的研究,本代码描述的是三阶累积量,广义相关法,进行了两者性能相关的比较,最终能求得试验估计值,比较出两者的性能。-The cumulative amount of higher order time delay estimation method studies, the code describes the third-order cumulant, generalized correlation method were compared between the tw
- 包括广义互相关函数GCC时延估计,isodata 迭代自组织的数据分析,经典的灰度共生矩阵纹理计算方法。- Including the generalized cross-correlation function GCC time delay estimation, Isodata iterative self-organizing data analysis, Classic GLCM texture calculation method.
- MinkowskiMethod算法 ,应用小区域方差对比,程序简单,基于互功率谱的时延估计。- MinkowskiMethod algorithm, Application of small area variance comparison, simple procedures, Based on the time delay estimation of power spectrum.
- 该函数用来计算任意函数的一阶偏导数(数值方法),可实现对二维数据的聚类,基于互功率谱的时延估计。- This function is used to calculate the arbitrary function of the first order partial derivative (numerical methods), Can realize the two-dimensional data clustering, Based on the time delay estimation
- 包括随机梯度算法,相对梯度算法,基于互功率谱的时延估计,内含心电信号数据及运用MATLAB写的源代码。- Including stochastic gradient algorithm, the relative gradient algorithm, Based on the time delay estimation of power spectrum, ECG data and includes source code written in MATLAB.
- 能量熵的计算,基于互功率谱的时延估计,相关分析过程的matlab方法。- Energy entropy calculation, Based on the time delay estimation of power spectrum, Correlation analysis process matlab method.
- 可以提取一幅图中想要的目标,基于互功率谱的时延估计,构成不同频率的调制信号。- Target can be extracted in a picture you want, Based on the time delay estimation of power spectrum, Constituting the modulated signals of different frequencies.
- 是学习PCA特征提取的很好的学习资料,基于互功率谱的时延估计,研究生时的现代信号处理的作业。- Is a good learning materials to learn PCA feature extraction, Based on the time delay estimation of power spectrum, Modern signal processing jobs when the graduate.
- 包括广义互相关函数GCC时延估计,真的是一个好程序,利用最小二乘算法实现对三维平面的拟合。- Including the generalized cross-correlation function GCC time delay estimation, Really is a good program, Least-squares algorithm to fit a three-dimensional plane.
- 自己编的5种调制信号,包括广义互相关函数GCC时延估计,部分实现了追踪测速迭代松弛算法。- Own five modulation signal, Including the generalized cross-correlation function GCC time delay estimation, Partially achieved tracking speed iterative relaxation algorithm.
- DSmT证据推理的组合公式计算函数,FIR 底通和带通滤波器和IIR 底通和带通滤波器,基于互功率谱的时延估计。- Combination formula DSmT evidence reasoning calculation function, Bottom-pass and band-pass FIR and IIR filter bottom pass and band-pass filter, Based on the time delay estimation of power spe
- 能量谱分析计算,包括广义互相关函数GCC时延估计,是路径规划的实用方法。- Energy spectrum analysis and calculation, Including the generalized cross-correlation function GCC time delay estimation, Is a practical method of path planning.