- Apriori源代码全部,学习dm和dw的可以下载参考一下-Apriori source code, learning and dw dm can download the reference
- 利用matlab实现的朴素贝叶斯分类器的源代码,可以用来分类或识别,自己编写的,请多指教-Using matlab Naive Bayesian classifier to achieve the source code can be used to classification or recognition, I have written, and like him Zhijiao
- 智能微粒群学习算法,可用于分类及特征优化等等。该算法实现过程简单,清晰。-Intelligent Particle Swarm learning algorithm can be used to optimize the classification and characteristics and so on. Implementation process of the algorithm is simple and clear.
- 向量空间模型算法,给定一个经过分词的文档集,可以输出向量空间模型、特征词典、倒排索引表等功能,很经典的VSM算法源代码-Vector space model algorithm, given a segmentation of the document set, you can output vector space model, the characteristics of dictionaries, inverted index table functions, it is the clas
- 简单的遗传算法源代码,挺实用的,大家可以借鉴-Simple genetic algorithm source code, very useful, we can learn from
- 本文介绍一种倒立摆系统的软硬件开发,其硬件系统具有低成本、高可靠性和稳定性等优点;其软件系统在Matlab环境下编程和实时控制,源代码完全开放,而且可调用丰富的Matlab工具箱函数,非常适用于教学和科研上的再学习和开发。-This paper introduces an inverted pendulum system software and hardware development, the hardware system has a low-cost, high reliability
- 本程序为求解博弈纳什均衡解的源程序,可以自己构造博弈矩阵,也可以选择已经存在的博弈矩阵.本程序分为两种方法,一种方法只能求解纯纳什均衡解.另一种可以求混合均衡解.-This procedure for solving the Nash equilibrium solution of game source code, you can construct their own game matrix, can also choose an already existing game matrix.
- 基本遗传算法的C语言源程序。(遗传算法的应用范围极其广泛,它可应用于函数优化、组合优化、生产调度问题、自动控制、机器人学、图像处理、人工生命、遗传编程以及机器学习等领域。)-Basic genetic algorithm C language source code. (Genetic algorithm extremely broad range of applications, it can be applied to function optimization, combinatorial
- MATLAB 神经网络用于数字识别源程序,可以很好的识别数字,Digits Recognition有说明-MATLAB neural network for digital identification of the source code, you can identify the number of good, Digits Recognition described
- 改进遗传算法MATLAB源代码,内含多个子文件,测试时运行mainpath文件即可.-Improved genetic algorithm MATLAB source code that contains multiple sub-documents, tests can be run mainpath documents.
- 遗传算法求解极值的源程序,只需将要求函数在源文件中输入,即可,种子数100,变异概率和交叉概率可调-Extremes of genetic algorithm source code, simply will be asked to function in the source file type, you can, seed number of 100, mutation probability and crossover probability adjustable
- 目录包含了代码执行Kohonen网络。源代码 中可以找到KNET.CPP 。样本数据isfound在KNETSAMP.PAT 。程序输出 可在接受KNETSAMP.OUT-Directory contains the code to implement Kohonen network. Source code can be found KNET.CPP. Isfound sample data in KNETSAMP.PAT. Output can be in KNETSAMP.OUT
- 一个经典的粒子滤波程序代码,可以用来了解粒子滤波的原理和算法。-A classical particle filter code can be used to understand the principles of particle filter and algorithms.
- 运用遗传算法GA解决TSP问题的C++源代码!希望能够对大家有所帮助-GA using genetic algorithms to solve TSP problem C++ source code! I hope this can help us
- 雷达距离波门跟踪源程序,可动态显示跟踪过程,跟踪参数可设.-The radar range gate to track source code can be dynamic display tracking process, track parameters can be set up.
- 利用matlab实现的基于EM算法的贝叶斯分类器的源代码,可以用来分类或识别,很值得收藏-Using matlab to achieve EM algorithm based on Bayesian classifier of the source code can be used to classification or identification, it is worthy of collection
- 利用matlab实现的数值型贝叶斯分类器的源代码,可以用来分类或识别,很值得收藏-Using matlab to achieve numerical Bayesian classifier source code can be used to classification or identification, it is worthy of collection
- 此源码是对人工蚁群算法的一种实现,用于无约束连续函数的优化求解,对于含有约束的情况,可以先使用罚函数等方法,把问题处理成无约束的模型,再使用本源码进行求解,-This source code is an implementation of artificial ant colony algorithm for unconstrained optimization of continuous function to solve for the case containing the constra
- 遗传算法代码:对一特定的应用修正此代码,用户只需改变常数的定义并且定义“评价函数”即可。注意代码的设计是求最大值,其中的目标函数只能取正值;-Genetic algorithm source code:AlphaA specific application to amend this code, the user simply change the definition of constants and define the evaluation function can. Attention
- 该遗传算法源代码的设计是求最大值,其中的目标函数只能取正值,且函数值和个体的适应值之间没有区别。对一特定的应用修正此代码,用户只需改变常数的定义并且定义“评价函数”即可。-The source code of the genetic algorithm is designed to seek the objective function of the maximum value, wherein only a positive value, and there is no difference