- BP神经网络的C语言实现 BP神经网络解决异或问题 canny源代码 HMM的C语言实现 isodata K-MEANS 车牌识别系统 矢量量化的C语言实现 -Neural Network C language BP neural network solution differences or problems canny source HMM C language isodata K-MEANS License Plate Recognition System Vector Quantizat
- 车牌的定位和分割,以及采用BP神经网络实现字符的识别。
- 视频车辆牌照识别,包含汉字处理算法,BP神经网络设计。识别率高达90%以上。-Video vehicle license plate recognition, including the Chinese characters processing algorithms, BP neural network design. Recognition rate as high as 90 .
- 将BP神经网络应用于汽车车牌的自动识别,在车牌图像进行预处理后的基础上,重点讨论了用BP神经网络方法对车牌进行处理-BP neural network will be used in automatic car license plate recognition, license plate images in the pre-treated on the basis of the discussion focused on using BP neural network method for
- 利用BP神经网络进行车牌识别的算法介绍文章,给出了实验的结果-BP neural network algorithm in the application of license plate with the experiment
- VS 2005 下编写的BP神经网络,可用于文字识别,车牌识别等方面。-VS 2005, prepared under the BP neural network can be used for character recognition, license plate recognition and so on.
- 车牌识别、字符分割、BP神经网络罗matlab源程序-License plate recognition, character segmentation, BP neural network matlab source Luo
- bp神经网络车牌识别,用于识别 二值化以后的图像,解压后把 char char1 目录放到d盘下-bp neural network license plate recognition, later used to identify the binary image after extracting the char char1 disk under the directory into the d
- 本文将BP神经网络应用于车牌的自动识别,在简述BP神经网络的基础上,重点讨论了用BP神经网络方法对车牌照字符的识别,用MATLAB完成了对车牌照数字识别的模拟,最后得出实验结果,证明这种方法是高效-BP neural networks used in automatic license plate recognition, in brief, based on BP neural network, focused on the BP neural network method for vehic
- 中文(简体)英语日语Alpha BP神经网络的车牌识别,购买到D的char字元1磁盘目录下解压后使用的二进制图像识别-neural network license plate recognition, later used to identify the binary image after extracting the char char1 disk under the directory into the d
- 关于bp神经网络的车牌识别的算法,以及车牌定位-License plate recognition algorithm on bp neural network, as well as the license plate location
- 针对车牌识别的字符bp神经网络训练,稍加改造即可用于ocr及其它字符识别场合将字符切分为32*16大小bbmp,放入相应文件夹,训练时选择该文件夹即可完成相应字符训练仅供学习使用,勿商业应用,本人保留所全部版权。 -License plate character recognition bp neural network training, a little transformation can be used for ocr character recognition occasions
- 染色体识别与统计汽车牌照定位与字符识别一一种基于BP神经网络识别字符的简单易懂实验 -Chromosome identification and Statistics License Plate Character Recognition Based on BP neural network to identify the characters easy to understand experimental
- 基于BP神经网络模型的车牌识别,利用opecv库函数,vc++编程实现-Based on the BP neural network model of the license plate identification
- 利用BP神经网络算法进行车牌图像识别的代码,进行数字、车牌字符的识别,另附相应学习图片素材(二值化)及训练后网络-Using BP neural network algorithm for vehicle license plate image recognition code, the number of characters, license plate recognition, with the corresponding learning picture material and tra