- SUN公司专门的运筹学(or)开发库 Java算法库——查找和排序 -Sun special operations research (or) for the development of algorithms for Java -- Search and Sort
- This source code is about the basic sorting algorithm implemented in C#. The algorithms included are Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Selection Sort. User can trace how s the sorting algorithm works. -This source code is about the basic sorting algorithm
- 对给定数据集合进行分类。是数据挖掘算法的KNN的分类实例。-For a given data set to classify. Data mining algorithms is the classification of examples of KNN.
- Conway s Game of life 算法程序-This article is about a fast Conway s Game of Life version using MFC, thread and DirectX together with a visual demo for sorting algorithms. It is also a good demo for "Bubble" and "Quick Sort" algorithms.