- gmeans-- Clustering with first variation and splitting 文本聚类算法Gmeans ,使用了3种相似度函数,cosine,euclidean ,KL.文本数据使用的是稀疏矩阵形式. -gmeans clustering with first variation and splitting Gmeans,a text clustering algorithm, uses 3 functions,cosine,euclidean and
- 用三元组方式实现稀疏矩阵的建立和 输出操作同时完成快速转置 包括有PPt 调试信息等 所有资料 -Be achieved with a triple build sparse matrix and output operations to complete quickly transpose the same time including all the information such as debugging information PPt
- CS理论里观测矩阵的优化算法以及训练稀疏字典的算法-optimization of measurement matrix and dictionary learning for sparse approximations
- 该文对压缩感知理论进行了综述,对压缩感知的稀疏表示、观测矩阵、编码、解码和有待研究的关键问题进行了综述-This paper summarizes the theory of compressed sensing, sparse representation of compressed sensing, observation matrix, encoding, decoding and the key issues to be examined were reviewed
- An Efficient Algorithm for Electromagnetic Scattering From Rough Surfaces Using a Single Integral Equation and Multilevel sparse-matrix Canonical-Grid Method
- Probabilistic matrix Factorization 算法 用VS2010 C++实现,用于协同过滤。performs well on the large, sparse, and very imbalanced Netflix dataset。-we present the Probabilistic matrix Factorization (PMF) model which scales linearly with the number of observ
- 稀疏表示doa估计,l1范数凸优化的算法,性能很好-Low complexity method for DOA estimation using array covariance matrix sparse representation
- 压缩感知的主要研究内容有信号的稀疏表达、观测矩阵的设计和信号恢复。精确的信号恢复算法是压缩感知中的关键。因此本文在压缩感知理论框架下研究恢复算法中的凸优化算法- Compressive sensing offers a variety of research fields, including signal sparse representation, sensing matrix design, signal reconstruction. Accurately signal reconstr
- 数据挖掘机器学习的在线字典学习稀疏矩阵分解源码-Data mining online dictionary learning sparse matrix factorization source
- 对固定阵元数目的稀疏阵,运用智能算法进行优化稀疏得到良好的方向图-Arrays of fixed number of sparse matrix, using intelligent algorithm to optimize the direction of the sparse get good figure
遗传算法及其在函数优化问题中的应用研究 (2)
- 遗传算法在函数优化中的作用,解释了遗传算法的可行性。。。。。(Application of genetic algorithm in sparse matrix)
- 基于Online Learning for matrix Factorization and sparse Coding的在线字典学习算法,本压缩包为作者的源代码(The online dictionary learning based on the paper "Online Learning for matrix Factorization and sparse Coding". This compression package is the author's sourc