- 一本介绍如何利用线圈检测器和视频检测器来检测道路交通流量,使用遗传算法和指数平滑法来预测交通流量的书籍-a coil how to use detection devices and video detector to detect road traffic, the use of genetic algorithms and exponential smoothing method to predict traffic flow of books
- 这是一篇步态识别和检测的文章:这是在视频流的基础上,区别于以往的静态图像-This is a gait recognition and detection of the article : This is the video stream on the basis of distinguished from the previous static images
- 一个由zafersavas于2008年完成的完全基于VC++6实现的人脸检测和人眼跟踪程序,通过设置相应的参数实现不同的功能。人脸跟踪中使用了camshift算法和Haar算法,眼睛检测中使用了自适应PCA算法和模板匹配算法,还支持文件和网络摄像头两种输入方式,经过试验,检测速度比较快和准确度也比较高。附带demo程序。 使用步骤: 菜单TrackEye Menu --> Tracker Settings 输入源Input Source: video 选择文件输入指定为: ..\Avis\
- 本程序是基于VC++和opencv开发的视频入侵检测预警程序,在目标进入危险区域,提示警示语-This procedure is based on VC++ and opencv video intrusion detection development of early warning procedures, the goal of entering the hazardous area, prompted warnings
- 检测识别视频中的动态物体,比如人体和车辆,可用于监控处理-Detection and identification of dynamic objects in the video, such as humans and vehicles, can be used to monitor treatment
- 混合高斯模型 图像检测 可以应用于视频和图片-Mixture Gaussian model image detection can be applied to video and picture
- Volumetric Features for Event Detection in Video一文的源码,采用的是立体体积特征进行事件检测-Volumetric Features for Event Detection in Video of a source text, using the event detection features of three-dimensional volume
- 智能交通系统中基于视频图像处理的车辆检测与跟踪方法综述-Intelligent transportation systems based on video image processing of vehicle detection and tracking methods were reviewed
- 使用下采样帧构成的列向量的PCA系数作为每帧特征(原则上,也可以使用其他类型的关键帧特征),多帧特征构成特征矢量,以高斯概率模型的后验概率衡量相似性、并建立k维树结构的索引进行搜索,文中对噪声、模糊、再压缩、加Logo,及其这些变换的两两组合进行了实验(丢帧很少时也可以),速度很快,适合于大规模因特网视频的搜索。-Use sampling frame column vector of the PCA coefficients as each frame features (in principl
- vc6.0环境下,使用opencv,基于adaboost算法的人脸检测识别程序,可以对视频流进行 处理,需要安装opencv1.0。-the vc6.0 environment opencv face detection and recognition program based on the AdaBoost algorithm for processing the video stream, need installation opencv1.0.
- 对固定镜头下视频序列中运动人体的检测和跟踪方法进行研究,利用灰度图像差分双向投影信息检测人体目标,提出一种基于统 计运动区域几何特征固定比例的分割算法,使用最近邻匹配方法对人体进行跟踪。-Video sequences in the detection and tracking of the movement of the human body to study under the fixed lens, bi-directional projector information using
- 学术论文:运动目标检测是当前研究热点之一,被广泛地应用于计算机视觉、视频处理等领域。将 运动目标检测的三种常用方法进行对比,总结其各自的适用性及局限性-Papers: moving target detection is one of the current research focus is widely used in the field of computer vision, video processing. Compared three common methods of movi
- 提出了智能视频监控中基于机器学习的自动人数统计系统。。该系统通过机器学习的方法对视频序列中人的头肩部位进行准确地检测。克服了传统检测方法如连通域分析和简单模板匹配的不足。-Automatic people counting system based on machine learning in intelligent video surveillance. . The system through machine learning methods to accurately detect the
- 行人检测程序,基于dShow和Opencv2.4.9读取视频文件或者摄像机视频数据,对每一帧图像进行行人检测-Pedestrian detection program, based dShow and Opencv2.4.9 read video files or video camera video data, each frame image for pedestrian detection
- 在视频监控领域,人脸检测是一个重要的方向,本代码就是针对人脸检测和跟踪的-In the field of video surveillance, face detection is an important direction, this code is for face detection and tracking
- 视频侦查 目标搜索 以图搜图 视频检索 视频浓缩 视频摘要 图像检测 图像识别 神经网络 目标检测 目标识别 缺陷检测 外观识别 车型识别 车牌识别-Video scout, target search, search images relying on images, video retri , video concentrate, video abstract, image detection, image recognition, neural network, target detect
- C+++视频cvncvb监控系统,根据支持向量机的特征提取对视频中的物体进行检测识别-C++ video cvbcvb monitoring system, according to the support vector machine to extract the characteristics of the object in the video detection and identification
- 视频在解码过程中,有时候需要检测是否含有马赛克帧,及时去除以提高视频质量。这里利用多线程,实现了视频解码过程中马赛克实时检测。-Video in the decoding process, and sometimes need to detect whether it contains mosaic frame, timely removal to improve the video quality. Here the use of multi-threaded, to achieve the
- 用VS2010和OPENCV编写的关于视频烟雾检测的程序,运行效果很好-With VS2010 and OPENCV prepared on the video smoke detection procedures, running very well
- 深度学习允许由多个处理层组成的计算模型来学习具有多个抽象层次的数据表示。这些方法极大地提高了语音识别、视觉对象识别、目标检测以及药物发现和基因组学等许多领域的最新进展。深度学习发现复杂的结构在大数据集,通过使用反向传播算法来指示一台机器应该如何改变其内部参数,用于计算在每一层的代表性,从上一层的代表。深层卷积网在处理图像、视频、语音和音频方面取得了突破性进展,而递归网络则在文本和语音等连续数据上起到了作用。(Deep learning allows computational models th