- Hidden Markov Toolkit (HTK) 3.2.1 HTK is a toolkit for use in research into automatic speech recognition and has been developed by the Speech Vision Robotics Group at the Cambridge University Engineering Department (http://svr-www.eng.cam.ac.uk) an
- S u r f e r自动控制技术在气象资料 自动成图中的应用 -Ab s t r a c t : The ma i n f un c t i o n s o f Su r fe r s o f t wa r e,Ac t i v e X a u t o ma t i o n t e c h ni q ue a nd t he i n t e r fa c e o f VB a p p l i c a t i o n a n d S u r
- netsim.m is a passive network simulator based on the modified nodal analysis. The simulator loads a passive network descr iption (a text file) then can be set to carry out a transient (time) or ac (frequency) analysis of the circuit. The sample file
- 由交流电源,反向联晶闸管模块,触发模块,阻感负载,观测示波器组成。(t consists of AC power supply, reverse thyristor module, trigger module, resistive load, and observation oscilloscope.)