Computational Electrodynamics - the FDTD method (2nd Edition)
3 Dimensional FDTD codes implemented by Matlab and include Dey-Mittra Mesh Generator.
The Dey-Mittra Mesh Generator allows you to input a 2-d geometry to solve
scattering problems.
Euclidean Distance Transform has been widely studied in computational geometry, image processing, computer graphics and pattern recognition. Euclidean distance has been computed through different algorithms like parallel, linear time algorithms etc.
P1-AFEM and Computational Geometry Codes-The 3D bisection scheme provided by this package is programmed in C and needs to be compiled
before use by calling the scr iptsetup. You can try out the bisection scheme by starting a 3D
example, e.g. exam
数值计算主要研究如何利用计算机更好的解决各种数学问题,包括连续系统离散化和离散形方程的求解,并考虑误差、收敛性和稳定性等问题。从数学类型分,数值运算的研究领域包括数值逼近、数值微分和数值积分、数值代数、最优化方法、常微分方程数值解法、积分方程数值解法、偏微分方程数值解法、计算几何、计算概率统计等。随着计算机的广泛应用和发展,许多计算领域的问题,如计算物理、计算力学、计算化学、计算经济学等都可归结为数值计算问题。(Numerical calculations mainly study how to