- This is a code to design and simulate the QMF filter banks.
- 一个基于Gabor滤波器组的多特征融合的图像检索算法(CBIR based on Multi-Features Combining Multi-parameters from Gabor Filter-bank, 简称multi法),融合了基于Gabor 小波系数的标准方差,峰态,能量,平滑度和一致性度量五个特征量度,实验表明,该算法是一种更加有效的图像检索方法。-we propose a CBIR algorithm based on Multi-Features Combining Mult
- 对录音信号集 中的某一语音,利用BATLAB设计一美尔例谱算法,并实现。 取信号集 中的一个语音信号:“xxxxxx”,将它作为输入的语音信号来为设计一个美尔倒谱算法,在该算法中,主要设计了以下环节: 1.读入一个语音信号;2.对这个信号归一化;3.对归一化的信号进行加窗处理(这里的矩形窗长度必须为257,重帧长64);4.进行预加重处理,即通过一个高通滤波器: ;5进行512点的FFT;6.分别取模平方得到功率谱;7.在设计的mel滤波器组中,我采用了25个带通滤波器;8.将得到的功率
- proposed filter-based algorithm uses a bank of Gabor filters to capture both local and global details in a fingerprint as a compact fixed length FingerCode. The fingerprint matching is based on the Euclidean distance between the two correspon
- Function reconstructs an estimate of a surface from its surface normals by correlating the surface normals with that those of a bank of shapelet basis functions. The correlation results are summed to produce the reconstruction. The sumation of shapel
- WOLA加权叠加滤波器组算法,matlab 加权叠加滤波器组在助听器领域应用广泛,是一种独特的声音信号频域处理滤波器结构,具有实现简单,复杂度低,低延时,低功耗的优点-WOLA weighted superposition filter bank algorithm, matlab weighted stack filter group in the field of hearing aids widely used, is a unique sound signal frequency dom