- 1、均值平滑、中值平滑和低通滤波平滑 2、高斯拉普拉斯算子对图像边缘的增强, 3、彩色图像的锐化,-1, the mean smoothing, median smoothing and smoothing low pass filter 2, Laplacian of Gaussian edge enhancement, 3, color image sharpening,
- the noise deteriorates the interpolation performance in digital images, it is effective to employ denoising prior to the interpolation. In this paper, we propose a novel interpolation framework in which denoising and image sharpening methods
- 对灰度图像进行拉普拉斯算子锐化,提取灰度图像的边缘。-Laplace operator sharpening, extract the edge of the gray image gray image.
- 目录 1.图像反转 2 2.灰度线性变换 2 3.非线性变换 4 4.直方图均衡化 5 5. 线性平滑滤波器 6 6.中值滤波器 7 7.用Sobel算子和拉普拉斯对图像锐化: 8 8.梯度算子检测边缘 9 9.LOG算子检测边缘 11 10.Canny算子检测边 缘 12 11.边界跟踪 (bwtraceboundary函数) 13 12.Hough变换 14 13.直方图阈值法 16 14. 自动阈值法:Otsu法 18 15.膨胀
- 目录 1.图像反转 2 2.灰度线性变换 2 3.非线性变换 4 4.直方图均衡化 5 5. 线性平滑滤波器 6 6.中值滤波器 7 7.用Sobel算子和拉普拉斯对图像锐化: 8 8.梯度算子检测边缘 9 9.LOG算子检测边缘 11 10.Canny算子检测边 缘 12 11.边界跟踪 (bwtraceboundary函数) 13 12.Hough变换 14 13.直方图阈值法 16 14. 自动阈值法:Otsu法 18 15.膨胀
- Write MATLAB code that will do the following. (a) Import a RGB image and display all planes in individual colours. (b) Convert RGB HSI and HSI RGB. (c) Perform adaptive histogram using RGB and HSI image. (d) Manipulate image bri
- MATLAB实现图像去噪 滤波 锐化 边缘检测等功能的实现。 -MATLAB for image de-noising filter sharpening edge detection