- Example scr ipt to read CF-compliant structured grid NetCDF data into matlab using the NetCDF-java libraryI m using "toolsUI.jar" which is advertised as "a nice fat jar file containing everything in a single jar"-Example scr ipt to read CF-com
- UDP packets are used to send data from one computer to another over a network or from one application to another within a single computer. The judp.m program uses matlab s ability to call java code to enable it to send and/or receive UDP packe
- Transmission Control Protocol (TCP/IP) communications are used to send data from one computer to another over a network or from one application to another within a single computer. The jtcp.m program uses matlab s ability to call java code to en
- The purpose of this code is to use GOOGLE translate to translate help of a command in mATLAB- This code is written by m.A. (aka lftx). The purpose of this code is to use GOOGLE translate to translate help of a command in mATLAB to Turkish (yo
- 这个m-文件允许你导出所有在命令窗口中的文本到字符串单元阵列,每个条目是一个从窗口文本行。未分析的原始字符串也可以,如果需要的话。 操作非常简单 -此文件查找在根窗口,并得到适当的java对象从文本。 我一直在寻找一种方式做,特别是一些软件中的错误我始终跟踪这,似乎已经没有人写了这种方法,所以我现在在这里供您使用。-This m-file allows you to export all text in the Command Window to a cell array o
- this mATLAB m-file slices an single image file to 128*128 pieces. It can be used to make Street maps for mobile phones with (JTrustN Streetmaps for mobile phones): http://java-phones.com/download/jtrustn-streetmaps/
- 该程序调用java在matlab中实现套接字通信。-The program calls the java implementation in matlab socket communication.
- 使用mABLAB仿真TCP/IP,jtcp.m,使用matlab的java接口来处理传输控制协议(TCP)通讯与其他应用程序,无论是在同一台计算机或远程的。内含2版本-mABLAB simulation WSN, jtcp.m, using matlab java interface to deal with the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) communication with other applications, either on the s