- 本资源用matlab代码实现了模式识别的线性分类器,对于线性可分的模式能够正确分类。-The resources used matlab code to achieve a pattern recognition linear classifier, for linearly separable model can correctly classified.
- 可以demo的KNN分类器,对模式识别十分重要的作用,有着较好的分类效果,可以帮助新手更好的理解KNN原理,对人脸识别有着很好的演示作用。-Can demo KNN classifier, the pattern recognition is an important role, has a good classification effect, can help beginners a better understanding of KNN principle, has a very good
- 可以分别设置度量距离的KNN分类器,有欧式和马氏距离。对模式识别十分重要的作用,有着较好的分类效果,可以帮助新手更好的理解KNN原理,对人脸识别有着很好的演示作用。-Distance can be set respectively KNN classifier, style and markov distance. For pattern recognition is an important role, has a good classification effect, can help be
- 模式识别中的k近邻算法,经过测试,运行结果很好。 最小距离分类器 : 它将各类训练样本划分成若干子类,并在 每个子类中确定代表点 。测试样本的类别则以其与这些代表点距离最近作决策。该方法的缺点是所选择的代表点并不一定能很好地代表各类,其后果将使错误率增加。(The k nearest neighbor algorithm in pattern recognition has been tested and the result is very good. Minimum distance c