- 无线通信技术已经运用在我们生活的每个角落,然而由于现实传输的复杂性和不确定性,同时无线信道存在着慢衰落、快衰落效应,会一定程度上造成资源的浪费和通信质量的下降。协同通信是近些年来无线通信研究的热点,它相对于传统无线通信技术在降低成本、节约资源等方面具有明显的优势。协同通信中,中继选择算法根据遵循的标准不同有着不同的算法-Wireless communication technology has been applied in every corner of our life. However,
- k-means算法是文本聚类经典算法,也是数据挖掘十大经典算法之一。k-means算法Java实现。-k-means algorithm is a classical algorithm text clustering, data mining is one of the ten classic algorithms. k-means algorithm is implemented in Java.
- L-method in R statistical language. Implementation of the L-method algorithm for finding the best number of clusters in hierarchical clustering. Algorithm is described here: Salvador, S. and Chan, P., 2004. Determining the number of clusters/seg
- 用于weka中的多示例学习算法的集成库文件MILK,包含多个多示例学习算法-Integrated library file for weka in the multi-instance learning algorithms MILK, comprising a plurality of multi-instance learning algorithms
- 在2006年9月召开的ICDM会议上,邀请了ACM KDD创新大奖(InnovationAward)和 Top 10 Algorithms in Data Mining IEEEICDM研究贡献奖(Research Contributions Award)的获奖者们来参与数据挖掘10大算 法的选举,每人提名10种他认为最重要的算法-Classification,Statistical Learning,Top 10 Algorithms in Data Mining,material
- 复杂网络中的社团结构算法综述 关 键 词 :复杂网络 社团结构 层次性 模块度函数 重叠性-Overview of Algorithms for Detecting Community Structure in Complex Networks
- Apriori algorithm是关联规则里一项基本算法。是由Rakesh Agrawal和Ramakrishnan Srikant两位博士在1994年提出的关联规则挖掘算法。关联规则的目的就是在一个数据集中找出项与项之间的关系。 文件中为实现Apriori算法的matlab函数-Apriori algorithm in association rules is a basic algorithm. By Rakesh Agrawal and Ramakrishnan Srikant Dr
- 该程序是用python编写一个K近邻算法,通过该例子可以掌握K近邻算法,是学习数据挖掘的一个高效的算法。-The program is written in python a K-nearest neighbor algorithm, this example can grasp the K-nearest neighbor algorithm, a learning data mining and efficient algorithms.
- 用python语言实现了常用的概率算法,非常建议本科生在学习概率论的时候跑一跑这些算法,养成贝叶斯思维-Using python language commonly used probabilistic algorithms, highly recommended undergraduate study in probability theory, when these algorithms run a race, to develop Bayesian thinking
- Apriory算法是数据挖掘中常用的挖掘初始数据的算法,传统的apriory算法在大数据的情况下实现效率很低,我通过java中的hash结构进行了改进,将效率提高。-Apriory data mining algorithms commonly used in the initial data mining algorithms, the traditional apriory inefficient algorithm in the case of large data, I have bee
- 半监督聚类是利用少量的标记数据提高聚类算法的性能,文中综述了半监督聚类算法的若干进展-Semi supervised clustering is a method to improve the performance of clustering algorithm by using a small amount of labeled data,Some advances about semi supervised clustering algorithms are reviewed in thi
- Hadoop数据挖掘算法 在mapreduce中的实现-Hadoop data mining algorithms implemented in the mapreduce
- 文件里面是数据挖掘中各种经典算法的MATLAB的源代码,尤其适合不只懂原理不会写代码的人进行数据建模- The document is a variety of data mining algorithms in the classic MATLAB source code, especially for people who do not understand the principle of not only the code to write data modeling
- 模糊c-均值聚类算法 fuzzy c-means algorithm (FCMA)或称( FCM)。在众多模糊聚类算法中,模糊C-均值( FCM) 算法应用最广泛且较成功,它通过优化目标函数得到每个样本点对所有类中心的隶属度,从而决定样本点的类属以达到自动对样本数据进行分类的目的。- 模糊c-均值聚类算法 fuzzy c-means algorithm (FCMA)或称( FCM)。在众多模糊聚类算法中,模糊C-均值( FCM) 算法应用最广泛且较成功,它通过优化目标函数得到每个样本点
- k-mediod、knn、uci数据集。 数据挖掘、机器学习中的经典聚类、分类算法(K-mediod, KNN, and UCI data sets. Data mining and classical clustering and classification algorithms in machine learning)
- K-Means是聚类算法中的一种,其中K表示类别数,Means表示均值。顾名思义K-Means是一种通过均值对数据点进行聚类的算法。K-Means算法通过预先设定的K值及每个类别的初始质心对相似的数据点进行划分。并通过划分后的均值迭代优化获得最优的聚类结果。(K-Means is one of the clustering algorithms, in which K represents the number of classes, and Means means the mean. As t