- CO2浓度问题,欢迎下载,更新不断继续中,这是后面板,以及前面程序框图
- 处理激光雷达数据,计算二氧化碳的程序。学大气学和激光雷达的人明白。-Processing of laser radar data to calculate the carbon dioxide process. Study atmospheric science and laser radar understand.
- Environment Home application. CO2 calculator with a menu system with info about different energy saving things. Solar cells etc. Uses Caurina transistions for the movement. The Caurina library is a opensource one, that i cant take credit for making.
- 此文献为介绍在CO2浓度加倍的情况下,NAO发生位相漂移的机制-This document was introduced in the case of doubling CO2 concentration, NAO phase shift mechanism occurs
- 不同井网条件下,不同驱替方式(水驱、CO2驱、水气交替驱等)的采出程度。-Under the condition of the different wells, different displacement methods (water flooding, CO2 flooding, WAG flooding, etc.) recovery level.
- 根据温度压力计算二氧化碳的偏差系数、相态判断、密度等参数-请键入文字或网站地址,或者上传文档。 取消 Gēnjù wēndù yālì jìsuàn èryǎnghuàtàn de piānchā xìshù, xiàng tài pànduàn, mìdù děng cānshù 您是不是要找: 从Carbon dioxide is calculated based on the coefficient of variation of temperature and pressur
- 通过PR状态方程求解二氧化碳的粘度,改方法是根据我写得论文得出,原创,具体算法可在CNKI中下载文献。-P-R equation of state seeking CO2 viscosity
- 温室大棚内的环境信息监测,包括温度、湿度、光照度、CO2浓度,并可对温室卷帘、通风等进行手动及自动控制-Greenhouses in the environmental monitoring information, including temperature, humidity, light, CO2 concentration, and the greenhouse shade, ventilation and other manual and automatic control
- fluent中不用nist调用,而用这个文件加载co2的物性,计算更快更准-fluent in not nist call, and use this file to load properties co2 calculate faster and more accurate
- The transportation sector is one of the largest sources of energy consumption and CO2 emissions. The most important and difficult step in estimating transportation CO2 emissions is to accurately estimate vehicle CO2 emission factors (EFs)
- 8MPa 下 CO2/H2O质量比96 /4 的物性参数 适用于东芝超临界二氧化碳循环工质-8MPa under the CO2/H2O mass ratio of 96 /4 of the physical parameters for Toshiba supercritical carbon dioxide circulating fluid