Close All Trades MT4一键平仓脚本
- MT4一键平仓脚本 只要一点就可以清除所有持仓单 这样可以省却了交易单太多一一手工平仓的困饶,并且一键平仓的效率也是非常值得肯定的,现在发出来给大家使用,具体安装方法将脚本文件复制至到平台安装目录下experts\scr ipts内即可! 然后打开MT4在导航--脚本--清除持仓单 就可以应用了 -MT4 scr ipt as long as a key to open all the positions that you can remove a single transaction s
- This a case for recognition of hand gestures using the 7 Hu moments and neural network classifiers-This is a case for recognition of hand gestures using the 7 Hu moments and neural network classifiers