- simulations of bubble sort, quick sort, shell sort, insertion sort and selection sort for three kinds of inputs:random, already sorted(sortirani niz), and for reverse sorted strings(naopako sortirani niz)
- 学工处学生信息管理系统 (软件需求说明书) 1引言 2 1.1编写目的 2 1.2背景 2 1.3定义 2 1.4参考资料 2 2任务概述 2 2.1目标 2 2.2用户的特点 2 2.3假定和约束 2 3需求规定 2 3.1对功能的规定 2 3.2其他功能的规定 2 3.3输入输出要求 2 3.4数据管理能力要求 2 4运行环境规定 2 4.1设备 2 4.2支持软件 2 4.3接口 2 4.4控制-Xuegong Chu Student Information Management Syst
- 学工处学生信息管理系统 (软件需求说明书) 1引言 2 1.1编写目的 2 1.2背景 2 1.3定义 2 1.4参考资料 2 2任务概述 2 2.1目标 2 2.2用户的特点 2 2.3假定和约束 2 3需求规定 2 3.1对功能的规定 2 3.2其他功能的规定 2 3.3输入输出要求 2 3.4数据管理能力要求 2 4运行环境规定 2 4.1设备 2 4.2支持软件 2 4.3接口 2 4.4控制-Xuegong Chu Student Information Management Syst
- digital Debouncer for pulse inputs
- An example of shell scr ipting calculation. Receiving 2 to 10 inputs, and calculate the max,min,average of the marks given.
- Port B is an 8-bit bi-directional I/O port with internal pull-up resistors (selected for each bit). The Port B output buffers have symmetrical drive characteristics with both high sink and source capability. As inputs, Port B pins that are extern
- 这个程序如何转化成训练BP神经网络连接权值的源代码,提供4组15输入4输出训练集和目标集,调整输出层加权系数.-How this program into training BP neural network connection weights of the source code, provides 4 inputs 4 outputs 15 training set and the target set, adjust the output layer weighting coeffici
- ! This FUNCTION computes the shallow water hyperbolic numerator ! over denominator term in the wave kinematics expressions: ! ! SINH( k*( z + h ) )/SINH( k*h ) ! ! given the wave number, k, water depth, h, and elevation z, as ! inp
- ! This FUNCTION solves the finite depth dispersion relationship: ! ! k*tanh(k*h)=(Omega^2)/g ! ! for k, the wavenumber (WaveNumber) given the frequency, Omega, ! gravitational constant, g, and water depth, h, as inputs. A ! high
- Drink vending machine. 3 inputs, 4 types of outputs. In ringgit Malaysia. Outputs are red LEDs, seven segment LED.
- To analyse and identify the fall accident accurately smart phone is used as the platform of the system. The tri-axial accelerometer as well as the voice capturing device will be used to generate primitive input signal. The acquired input signal will
- Calculator! (using analog inputs)
- the effects of neural network aided estimation in such receivers are considered. Neural network acts as a pre-processing block to the estimator.-Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) has high data rate capacity and lower Inter Symbo
- 在触摸屏中实现虚拟键盘,进行数字输入.一般应用在工业计算机触摸屏使用。-Implement a virtual keyboard on the touch screen, digital inputs for general application use in industrial computer touch screen.
- 建立了一个基于等效电路的电池模型,输入为电机1和电机2的扭矩和转速,输出为电池电荷量SOC,能够广泛应用于混合动力汽车整车模型的搭建和验证。(Set up a model based on equivalent circuit of the battery, the inputs are the torque and rotational speed of motor 1 and 2, and the output are the battery SOC, it can be widely us
- The SPS PV array model implements a PV array built of series- and parallel-connected PV modules. It allows modeling a variety of preset PV modules available from NREL System Advisor Model (Jan. 2014) as well as a user-defined PV module. The PV array
- Morphological transformations are some simple operations based on the image shape. It is normally performed on binary images. It needs two inputs, one is our original image, second one is called structuring element or kernel which decides the nature