- Embedded Windows CE Speaker Verification Developers Kit is your compact biometric security solution for development of speaker verification systems at electronics level. The design is based on ISIP ASR and is Ported to Windows CE/Pocket PC/Smart Phon
APM Training_ADI Battery Tester Solution
- 电池测试仪根据电池的形态及电池组装后的成品分类,测试仪又可分为:电芯测试仪,成品电池测试仪,手机电池测试仪,笔记本电池测试仪,移动DVD电池测试仪,蓄电池测试仪,都可以做综合性能测试,此仪器可以测试锂离子电池、镍氢电池、聚合物电池、普通干电池、铅酸蓄电池等多类电池。(Battery tester according to the battery shape and battery assembly after the finished product classification, the te